Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Applies the callback to the elements of the given arrays
<?php array_map(?callable $callback, array $array, array ...$arrays): array
<?php     public function getSolution(): Solution


        $validLogLevels = array_map(function (string $level) {

            return strtolower($level);

        }, array_keys(Logger::getLevels()));

        $validLogLevelsString = implode(',', $validLogLevels);
<?php         ];

        if (config('flare.reporting.report_view_data')) {

            $context['view']['data'] = array_map([$this, 'dumpViewData'], $this->viewData);


        return $context;
<?php     protected function getViewsInPath(string $path, array $extensions): array


        $filePatterns = array_map(function (string $extension) {

            return "*.{$extension}";

        }, $extensions);

        $extensionsWithDots = array_map(function (string $extension) {

            return ".{$extension}";
<?php             return "*.{$extension}";

        }, $extensions);

        $extensionsWithDots = array_map(function (string $extension) {

            return ".{$extension}";

        }, $extensions);

        $files = (new Finder())

<?php     {

        $envPath = base_path('.env');

        $envLines = array_map(function (string $envLine) use ($value, $key) {

            return Str::startsWith($envLine, $key)

                ? "{$key}={$value}".PHP_EOL

                : $envLine;

        }, file($envPath));

        file_put_contents($envPath, implode('', $envLines));

<?php             return [];


        return array_map(function ($packageProperties) {

            return new Package((array) $packageProperties);

        }, $packages->results);

