Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Extract a slice of the array
<?php array_slice(    array $array,    int $offset,    ?int $length = null,    bool $preserve_keys = false): array
<?php             return;


        if (\count($values) < \count($params)) {

            $params = \array_slice($params, 0, \count($values));

        } elseif (\count($values) > \count($params)) {

            $values[] = new EnumStub(array_splice($values, \count($params)), false);

            $params[] = $variadic;
<?php             $lastCall = $call;


        if (null !== $trace->sliceLength) {

            $a = \array_slice($a, 0, $trace->sliceLength, true);


        return $a;
<?php         if ($composerRoot = $this->getComposerRoot($href, $this->inVendor)) {

            $this->attr['ellipsis'] = \strlen($href) - \strlen($composerRoot) + 1;

            $this->attr['ellipsis-type'] = 'path';

            $this->attr['ellipsis-tail'] = 1 + ($this->inVendor ? 2 + \strlen(implode('', \array_slice(explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, substr($href, 1 - $this->attr['ellipsis'])), 0, 2))) : 0);

        } elseif (3 < \count($ellipsis = explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $href))) {

            $this->attr['ellipsis'] = 2 + \strlen(implode('', \array_slice($ellipsis, -2)));

            $this->attr['ellipsis-type'] = 'path';
<?php             $this->attr['ellipsis-type'] = 'path';

            $this->attr['ellipsis-tail'] = 1 + ($this->inVendor ? 2 + \strlen(implode('', \array_slice(explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, substr($href, 1 - $this->attr['ellipsis'])), 0, 2))) : 0);

        } elseif (3 < \count($ellipsis = explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $href))) {

            $this->attr['ellipsis'] = 2 + \strlen(implode('', \array_slice($ellipsis, -2)));

            $this->attr['ellipsis-type'] = 'path';

            $this->attr['ellipsis-tail'] = 1;

<?php         $pin = openssl_pkey_get_public($h);

        $pin = openssl_pkey_get_details($pin)['key'];

        $pin = \array_slice(explode("\n", $pin), 1, -2);

        $pin = base64_decode(implode('', $pin));

        $pin = base64_encode(hash('sha256', $pin, true));
<?php                         $stub->position = $len++;

                    } elseif ($pos < $maxItems) {

                        if ($maxItems < $pos += \count($a)) {

                            $a = \array_slice($a, 0, $maxItems - $pos, true);

                            if ($stub->cut >= 0) {

                                $stub->cut += $pos - $maxItems;
