
The base_path function returns the fully qualified path to your application's root directory. You may also use the base_path function to generate a fully qualified path to a given file relative to the project root directory:
<?php $path = base_path();

$path = base_path('vendor/bin');
<?php     protected function livewireTestsPath($path = '')


        return base_path('tests/Feature/Livewire'.($path ? '/'.$path : ''));


<?php     public function relativeClassPath() : string


        return str($this->classPath())->replaceFirst(base_path().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '');


    public function classFile()
<?php     {

        $stubName = $inline ? 'livewire.inline.stub' : 'livewire.stub';

        if (File::exists($stubPath = base_path($this->stubDirectory.$stubName))) {

            $template = file_get_contents($stubPath);

        } else {

            $template = file_get_contents(__DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$stubName);
<?php     public function relativeViewPath() : string


        return str($this->viewPath())->replaceFirst(base_path().'/', '');


    public function viewFile()
<?php     public function viewContents()


        if( ! File::exists($stubPath = base_path($this->stubDirectory.'livewire.view.stub'))) {

            $stubPath = __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'livewire.view.stub';

<?php     public function relativeTestPath() : string


        return str($this->testPath())->replaceFirst(base_path().'/', '');


    public function testContents($testType = 'phpunit')
<?php     {

        $stubName = $testType === 'pest' ? 'livewire.pest.stub' : 'livewire.test.stub';

        if(File::exists($stubPath = base_path($this->stubDirectory.$stubName))) {

            $template = file_get_contents($stubPath);

        } else {

            $template = file_get_contents(__DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$stubName);
<?php     public static function generateTestPathFromNamespace($namespace)


        return base_path(str($namespace)

            ->replace('\\', '/', $namespace)

            ->replaceFirst('T', 't'));


<?php             $stubDirectory = rtrim('stubs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $stubSubDirectory, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . '/';


        if (File::exists($stubPath = base_path($stubDirectory . $stubName))) {

            return $stubPath;

<?php     protected function relativeLayoutPath($layoutPath)


        return (string) str($layoutPath)->replaceFirst(base_path() . '/', '');


<?php     public function handle()


        if (! is_dir($stubsPath = base_path('stubs'))) {

            (new Filesystem)->makeDirectory($stubsPath);

<?php     {

        return Storage::build([

            'driver' => 'local',

            'root' => base_path(),


<?php     protected function stubsPath($path = '')


        return base_path('stubs'.($path ? '/'.$path : ''));


<?php     {

        $config = __DIR__.'/../config/livewire.php';

        $this->publishes([$config => base_path('config/livewire.php')], ['livewire', 'livewire:config']);

        $this->mergeConfigFrom($config, 'livewire');

<?php     protected function livewireTestsPath($path = '')


        return base_path('tests/Feature/Livewire'.($path ? '/'.$path : ''));

