The base_path function returns the fully qualified path to your application's root directory. You may also use the base_path function to generate a fully qualified path to a given file relative to the project root directory:
<?php $path = base_path();

$path = base_path('vendor/bin');
<?php     protected function execute($container)


        return Process::fromShellCommandline(

            $this->buildCommand(), base_path(), null, null, null


<?php     public function __invoke($string)


        if (function_exists('app') && app()->has('path.base')) {

            $string = str_replace(base_path().'/', '', $string);


        return $string;
<?php     {

        if (! empty($path = $this->option('path'))) {

            return collect($path)->map(function ($path) {

                return base_path($path);


<?php         $this->components->info('Installing and building Node dependencies.');

        if (file_exists(base_path('pnpm-lock.yaml'))) {

            $commands = [

                'pnpm add --save-dev laravel-echo pusher-js',

                'pnpm run build',
<?php                 'pnpm add --save-dev laravel-echo pusher-js',

                'pnpm run build',


        } elseif (file_exists(base_path('yarn.lock'))) {

            $commands = [

                'yarn add --dev laravel-echo pusher-js',

                'yarn run build',
<?php                 'yarn add --dev laravel-echo pusher-js',

                'yarn run build',


        } elseif (file_exists(base_path('bun.lockb'))) {

            $commands = [

                'bun add --dev laravel-echo pusher-js',

                'bun run build',
<?php         }

        $command = Process::command(implode(' && ', $commands))


        if (! windows_os()) {

<?php     {

        $reflection = new ReflectionFunction($rawListener);

        $path = str_replace([base_path(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], ['', '/'], $reflection->getFileName() ?: '');

        return 'Closure at: '.$path.':'.$reflection->getStartLine();

<?php             return false;


        return str_starts_with($path, base_path('vendor'));

<?php         $actionClass = explode('@', $action)[0];

        if (class_exists($actionClass) && str_starts_with((new ReflectionClass($actionClass))->getFilename(), base_path('vendor'))) {

            $actionCollection = collect(explode('\\', $action));

            return $name.$actionCollection->take(2)->implode('\\').'   '.$actionCollection->last();
<?php     public function handle()


        $environmentFile = $this->option('env')

                            ? base_path('.env').'.'.$this->option('env')

                            : base_path('.env');

        $hasEnvironment = file_exists($environmentFile);
<?php     {

        $environmentFile = $this->option('env')

                            ? base_path('.env').'.'.$this->option('env')

                            : base_path('.env');

        $hasEnvironment = file_exists($environmentFile);
<?php     protected function serverCommand()


        $server = file_exists(base_path('server.php'))

            ? base_path('server.php')

            : __DIR__.'/../resources/server.php';
<?php     protected function serverCommand()


        $server = file_exists(base_path('server.php'))

            ? base_path('server.php')

            : __DIR__.'/../resources/server.php';

        return [
<?php     {

        $name = Str::replaceFirst($this->rootNamespace(), '', $name);

        return base_path('tests').str_replace('\\', '/', $name).'.php';
