
The config function gets the value of a configuration variable. The configuration values may be accessed using "dot" syntax, which includes the name of the file and the option you wish to access. A default value may be specified and is returned if the configuration option does not exist:
<?php $value = config('app.timezone');

$value = config('app.timezone', $default);
<?php     public function download()


        config()->set('filesystems.disks.dusk-tmp', [

            'driver' => 'local',

            'root' => __DIR__,

<?php     public function downloadWithContentTypeHeader($contentType = null)


        config()->set('filesystems.disks.dusk-tmp', [

            'driver' => 'local',

            'root' => __DIR__,

<?php     public function downloadAnUntitledFileWithContentTypeHeader($contentType = 'text/html')


        config()->set('filesystems.disks.dusk-tmp', [

            'driver' => 'local',

            'root' => __DIR__,

<?php     public function downloadFromResponse()


        config()->set('filesystems.disks.dusk-tmp', [

            'driver' => 'local',

            'root' => __DIR__,

<?php     public function downloadFromResponseWithContentTypeHeader()


        config()->set('filesystems.disks.dusk-tmp', [

            'driver' => 'local',

            'root' => __DIR__,

<?php     public function downloadQuotedContentDispositionFilename()


        config()->set('filesystems.disks.dusk-tmp', [

            'driver' => 'local',

            'root' => __DIR__,

<?php     public function downloadQuotedContentDispositionFilenameFromResponse()


        config()->set('filesystems.disks.dusk-tmp', [

            'driver' => 'local',

            'root' => __DIR__,

<?php             public function mount()


                config()->set('app.debug', false);


            public function render()
<?php             config()->set('app.debug', true);


<?php     protected static function shouldInjectLivewireAssets()


        if (! static::$forceAssetInjection && config('livewire.inject_assets', true) === false) return false;

        if ((! static::$hasRenderedAComponentThisRequest) && (! static::$forceAssetInjection)) return false;

        if (app(FrontendAssets::class)->hasRenderedScripts) return false;
<?php     public function can_disable_auto_injection_using_config(): void


        config()->set('livewire.inject_assets', false);

        Route::get('/with-livewire', function () {

            return (new class Extends TestComponent {})();
<?php     public function can_force_injection_over_config(): void


        config()->set('livewire.inject_assets', false);

        Route::get('/with-livewire', function () {

            return (new class Extends TestComponent {})();
<?php     public function viewName()


        return collect()

            ->when(config('livewire.view_path') !== resource_path(), function ($collection) {

                return $collection->concat(explode('/',str($this->baseViewPath)->after(resource_path('views'))));


<?php     public function handle()


        $this->parser = new ComponentParser(




<?php     {

        $this->parser = new ComponentParser(



