The e function runs PHP's htmlspecialchars function with the double_encode option set to true by default:
<?php echo e('<html>foo</html>');
<?php     public function __toString()


        return $this->escapeWhenCastingToString

                    ? e($this->toJson())

                    : $this->toJson();

<?php     public function __toString()


        return $this->escapeWhenCastingToString

            ? e($this->toJson())

            : $this->toJson();

<?php     public function assertSeeInHtml($string, $escape = true)


        $string = $escape ? e($string) : $string;

        [$html, $text] = $this->renderForAssertions();
<?php     public function assertDontSeeInHtml($string, $escape = true)


        $string = $escape ? e($string) : $string;

        [$html, $text] = $this->renderForAssertions();
<?php     public function assertSee($value, $escape = true)


        $value = $escape ? e($value) : $value;

        PHPUnit::assertStringContainsString((string) $value, $this->rendered);
<?php     public function assertSeeText($value, $escape = true)


        $value = $escape ? e($value) : $value;

        PHPUnit::assertStringContainsString((string) $value, strip_tags($this->rendered));
<?php     public function assertDontSee($value, $escape = true)


        $value = $escape ? e($value) : $value;

        PHPUnit::assertStringNotContainsString((string) $value, $this->rendered);
<?php     public function assertDontSeeText($value, $escape = true)


        $value = $escape ? e($value) : $value;

        PHPUnit::assertStringNotContainsString((string) $value, strip_tags($this->rendered));
<?php     public function assertSee($value, $escape = true)


        $value = $escape ? e($value) : $value;

        PHPUnit::assertStringContainsString((string) $value, $this->rendered);
<?php     public function assertSeeText($value, $escape = true)


        $value = $escape ? e($value) : $value;

        PHPUnit::assertStringContainsString((string) $value, strip_tags($this->rendered));
<?php     public function assertDontSee($value, $escape = true)


        $value = $escape ? e($value) : $value;

        PHPUnit::assertStringNotContainsString((string) $value, $this->rendered);
<?php     public function assertDontSeeText($value, $escape = true)


        $value = $escape ? e($value) : $value;

        PHPUnit::assertStringNotContainsString((string) $value, strip_tags($this->rendered));
<?php         return is_string($value) ||

               (is_object($value) && ! $value instanceof ComponentAttributeBag && method_exists($value, '__toString'))

                        ? e($value)

                        : $value;


<?php     {

        $attributeDefaults = array_map(function ($value) use ($escape) {

            return $this->shouldEscapeAttributeValue($escape, $value)

                        ? e($value)

                        : $value;

        }, $attributeDefaults);
<?php     protected function resolveAppendableAttributeDefault($attributeDefaults, $key, $escape)


        if ($this->shouldEscapeAttributeValue($escape, $value = $attributeDefaults[$key]->value)) {

            $value = e($value);


        return $value;