Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Split a string by a string
<?php explode(string $separator, string $string, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): array
<?php $tables = [];

foreach ($serverState['octaneConfig']['tables'] ?? [] as $name => $columns) {

    $table = new Table(explode(':', $name)[1] ?? 1000);

    foreach ($columns ?? [] as $columnName => $column) {

        $table->column($columnName, match (explode(':', $column)[0] ?? 'string') {
<?php     $table = new Table(explode(':', $name)[1] ?? 1000);

    foreach ($columns ?? [] as $columnName => $column) {

        $table->column($columnName, match (explode(':', $column)[0] ?? 'string') {

            'string' => Table::TYPE_STRING,

            'int' => Table::TYPE_INT,

            'float' => Table::TYPE_FLOAT,
<?php             'string' => Table::TYPE_STRING,

            'int' => Table::TYPE_INT,

            'float' => Table::TYPE_FLOAT,

        }, explode(':', $column)[1] ?? 1000);


<?php     $table->create();

    $tables[explode(':', $name)[0]] = $table;


return $tables;
<?php             );


        $version = explode(' ', $version)[2];

        if (version_compare($version, $this->requiredVersion, '<')) {

            $this->warn("Your RoadRunner binary version (<fg=red>$version</>) may be incompatible with Octane.");
<?php                 }

                if ($debug['level'] == 'debug' && isset($debug['remote'])) {

                    [$statusCode, $method, $url] = explode(' ', $debug['msg']);

                    return $this->requestInfo([

                        'method' => $method,
<?php     private function pathAfterSymlink(string $publicPath, string $path)


        $directories = explode('/', $path);

        while ($directory = array_shift($directories)) {

            $publicPath .= '/'.$directory;