Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Reads entire file into a string
<?php file_get_contents( string $filename, bool $use_include_path = false, ?resource $context = null, int $offset = 0, ?int $length = null): string|false
<?php public function load(): void
$contents = @file_get_contents($this->cacheFilename);
if ($contents === false) {
<?php {
return Targeted::make(
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => str_contains((string) file_get_contents($object->path), 'declare(strict_types=1);'),
'to use strict types',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, '<?php')),
<?php {
return Targeted::make(
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! str_contains((string) file_get_contents($object->path), 'declare(strict_types=1);'),
'not to use strict types',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, '<?php')),
<?php continue;
$contents = file_get_contents($testresultFile->getPathname());
assert($contents !== false);
$testResult = unserialize($contents);
assert($testResult instanceof TestResult);
<?php public function get(): array
$contents = file_get_contents($snapshotFilename = $this->getSnapshotFilename());
if ($contents === false) {
throw ShouldNotHappen::fromMessage('Snapshot file could not be read.');
<?php $process->run();
$rawXmlContent = file_get_contents($junitLogFile);
<?php $snapshot = function ($name) {
$testsPath = dirname(__DIR__);
return file_get_contents(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [
test('allows to run a single test', function () use ($run, $snapshot) {
<?php array_pop($output);
expect(implode("\n", $output))->toContain(file_get_contents($snapshot));
})->skip(! getenv('REBUILD_SNAPSHOTS') && getenv('EXCLUDE'))
<?php if (getenv('REBUILD_SNAPSHOTS')) {
file_put_contents($snapshot, normalize_windows_os_output($output()));
} elseif (! getenv('EXCLUDE')) {
<?php $snapshot = function ($name) {
$testsPath = dirname(__DIR__);
return file_get_contents(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [
test('todos', function () use ($run, $snapshot) {