Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Opens file or URL
<?php fopen(    string $filename,    string $mode,    bool $use_include_path = false,    ?resource $context = null): resource|false
<?php         $this->disablePluginsByDefault = $input->hasParameterOption('--no-plugins');

        $this->disableScriptsByDefault = $input->hasParameterOption('--no-scripts');

        if (Platform::getEnv('COMPOSER_NO_INTERACTION') || !Platform::isTty(defined('STDIN') ? STDIN : fopen('php://stdin', 'r'))) {


<?php     private function extractUsingExt($file, $targetFilepath)


        $archiveFile = gzopen($file, 'rb');

        $targetFile = fopen($targetFilepath, 'wb');

        while ($string = gzread($archiveFile, 4096)) {

            fwrite($targetFile, $string, Platform::strlen($string));

<?php             return 'call';


        $handle = fopen($bin, 'r');

        $line = fgets($handle);


        if (Preg::isMatch('{^#!/(?:usr/bin/env )?(?:[^/]+/)*(.+)$}m', $line, $match)) {
<?php         $input = new StringInput($input);


        $output = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://memory', 'rw'), $verbosity, $formatter ? $formatter->isDecorated() : false, $formatter);

        parent::__construct($input, $output, new HelperSet(array(

            new QuestionHelper(),
<?php     private function createStream(array $inputs)


        $stream = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');

        foreach ($inputs as $input) {

            fwrite($stream, $input.PHP_EOL);
<?php     public function safeCopy($source, $target)


        if (!file_exists($target) || !file_exists($source) || !$this->filesAreEqual($source, $target)) {

            $source = fopen($source, 'r');

            $target = fopen($target, 'w+');

            stream_copy_to_stream($source, $target);
<?php     {

        if (!file_exists($target) || !file_exists($source) || !$this->filesAreEqual($source, $target)) {

            $source = fopen($source, 'r');

            $target = fopen($target, 'w+');

            stream_copy_to_stream($source, $target);

<?php         }

        $ah = fopen($a, 'rb');

        $bh = fopen($b, 'rb');

        $result = true;
<?php         $ah = fopen($a, 'rb');

        $bh = fopen($b, 'rb');

        $result = true;

        while (!feof($ah)) {
<?php         }

        $curlHandle = curl_init();

        $headerHandle = fopen('php://temp/maxmemory:32768', 'w+b');

        if ($copyTo) {

            $errorMessage = '';
<?php                 }

                $errorMessage .= Preg::replace('{^fopen\(.*?\): }', '', $msg);


            $bodyHandle = fopen($copyTo.'~', 'w+b');


            if (!$bodyHandle) {

                throw new TransportException('The "'.$url.'" file could not be written to '.$copyTo.': '.$errorMessage);
<?php                 throw new TransportException('The "'.$url.'" file could not be written to '.$copyTo.': '.$errorMessage);


        } else {

            $bodyHandle = @fopen('php://temp/maxmemory:524288', 'w+b');


        curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
<?php     public function writeP4ClientSpec()


        $clientSpec = $this->getP4ClientSpec();

        $spec = fopen($clientSpec, 'w');

        try {


        } catch (\Exception $e) {
<?php     public static function isTty($fd = null)


        if ($fd === null) {

            $fd = defined('STDOUT') ? STDOUT : fopen('php://stdout', 'w');

<?php         if ($doCopy) {

            if (false === $source = @fopen($originFile, 'r')) {

                throw new IOException(sprintf('Failed to copy "%s" to "%s" because source file could not be opened for reading.', $originFile, $targetFile), 0, null, $originFile);
