<?php fwrite(resource $stream, string $data, ?int $length = null): int|false
<?php function write_line(string $line) { fwrite(STDOUT, "{$line}\n"); } function panic(string $reason)
<?php if (get_class($exception) !== $this->exceptionTypeToRetryOn) { throw $exception; } fwrite(STDOUT, 'Retrying ...' . PHP_EOL); sleep($this->timeoutForExceptionRetry); } }
<?php function stream_with_contents(string $contents) { $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w+b'); fwrite($stream, $contents); rewind($stream); return $stream;
<?php { try { $writeStream = fopen('php://temp', 'w+b'); fwrite($writeStream, $contents); rewind($writeStream); $this->writeStream($path, $writeStream, $config); } finally {
<?php { $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'w+b'); fwrite($stream, $this->contents); rewind($stream); return $stream;
<?php break; } catch (Throwable $exception) { if (time() - $start < 30) { fwrite(STDOUT, "Exception while trying to connect:'\n"); fwrite(STDOUT, (string) $exception); fwrite(STDOUT, "\n\n"); }
<?php } catch (Throwable $exception) { if (time() - $start < 30) { fwrite(STDOUT, "Exception while trying to connect:'\n"); fwrite(STDOUT, (string) $exception); fwrite(STDOUT, "\n\n"); } usleep(10000);
<?php if (time() - $start < 30) { fwrite(STDOUT, "Exception while trying to connect:'\n"); fwrite(STDOUT, (string) $exception); fwrite(STDOUT, "\n\n"); } usleep(10000); }
<?php } if ( ! $connected) { fwrite(STDERR, "Unable to start FTP server.\n"); exit(1); }
<?php exit(1); } fwrite(STDOUT, "Detected FTP server successfully.\n");
<?php } if ( ! $connected) { fwrite(STDERR, "Unable to start SFTP server.\n"); exit(1); }
<?php exit(1); } fwrite(STDOUT, "Detected SFTP server successfully.\n");