Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Returns the name of the class of an object
<?php get_class(object $object = ?): string
<?php                 return;

            } catch (Throwable $exception) {

                if (get_class($exception) !== $this->exceptionTypeToRetryOn) {

                    throw $exception;


                fwrite(STDOUT, 'Retrying ...' . PHP_EOL);
<?php             $dateTime = $item->getLastModified();

            $metadata = $this->extractExtraMetadata($item);

        } else {

            throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Object of class "%s" is not supported in %s()', \get_class($item), __METHOD__));


        if ($dateTime instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
<?php     {

        $this->firstStubAdapter->stageException($method, 'location.txt', $exception);



<?php     public static function becauseTheFilesystemWasNotValid($filesystem): UnableToMountFilesystem


        $received = is_object($filesystem) ? get_class($filesystem) : gettype($filesystem);

        return new UnableToMountFilesystem(

            'Unable to mount filesystem, filesystem was invalid. Instance of ' . FilesystemOperator::class . ' expected, received: ' . $received