Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Gets the current working directory
<?php getcwd(): string|false
<?php $basePath = $filesystem->normalizePath(realpath(realpath(getcwd())));
$vendorPath = $filesystem->normalizePath(realpath(realpath($config->get('vendor-dir'))));
$useGlobalIncludePath = (bool) $config->get('use-include-path');
$prependAutoloader = $config->get('prepend-autoloader') === false ? 'false' : 'true';
<?php $path
if (empty($installPath)) {
$installPath = strtr(getcwd(), '\\', '/');
$resolvedPath = realpath($installPath . '/' . $updir);
<?php $map = array();
$filesystem = new Filesystem();
$cwd = realpath(getcwd());
foreach ($path as $file) {
$filePath = $file->getPathname();
<?php if (empty($validClasses)) {
foreach ($rejectedClasses as $class) {
if ($io) {
$io->writeError("<warning>Class $class located in ".Preg::replace('{^'.preg_quote(getcwd()).'}', '.', $filePath, 1)." does not comply with $namespaceType autoloading standard. Skipping.</warning>");
<?php $io->writeError('<info>Creating the archive into "'.$dest.'".</info>');
$packagePath = $archiveManager->archive($package, $format, $dest, $fileName, $ignoreFilters);
$fs = new Filesystem;
$shortPath = $fs->findShortestPath(getcwd(), $packagePath, true);
$io->writeError('Created: ', false);
$io->write(strlen($shortPath) < strlen($packagePath) ? $shortPath : $packagePath);
<?php if (
($configFile === 'composer.json' || $configFile === './composer.json')
&& !file_exists($configFile)
&& realpath(getcwd()) === realpath($this->config->get('home'))
) {
file_put_contents($configFile, "{\n}\n");
<?php public function installProject(IOInterface $io, Config $config, InputInterface $input, $packageName = null, $directory = null, $packageVersion = null, $stability = 'stable', $preferSource = false, $preferDist = false, $installDevPackages = false, $repositories = null, $disablePlugins = false, $disableScripts = false, $noProgress = false, $noInstall = false, PlatformRequirementFilterInterface $platformRequirementFilter = null, $secureHttp = true, $addRepository = false)
$oldCwd = getcwd();
if ($repositories !== null && !is_array($repositories)) {
$repositories = (array) $repositories;
<?php )
) {
$finder = new Finder();
foreach (array('.svn', '_svn', 'CVS', '_darcs', '.arch-params', '.monotone', '.bzr', '.git', '.hg', '.fslckout', '_FOSSIL_') as $vcsName) {
<?php if (null === $directory) {
$parts = explode("/", $name, 2);
$directory = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . array_pop($parts);
$process = new ProcessExecutor($io);
<?php $process = new ProcessExecutor($io);
$fs = new Filesystem($process);
if (!$fs->isAbsolutePath($directory)) {
$directory = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $directory;
$io->writeError('<info>Creating a "' . $packageName . '" project at "' . $fs->findShortestPath(getcwd(), $directory, true) . '"</info>');
<?php $directory = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $directory;
$io->writeError('<info>Creating a "' . $packageName . '" project at "' . $fs->findShortestPath(getcwd(), $directory, true) . '"</info>');
if (file_exists($directory)) {
if (!is_dir($directory)) {
<?php if (getcwd() !== $this->getApplication()->getInitialWorkingDirectory()) {
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
<?php $this->io = new NullIO();
$this->initialWorkingDirectory = getcwd();
parent::__construct('Composer', Composer::getVersion());
<?php if ($newWorkDir = $this->getNewWorkingDir($input)) {
$oldWorkingDir = getcwd();
$this->initialWorkingDirectory = $newWorkDir;
$io->writeError('Changed CWD to ' . getcwd(), true, IOInterface::DEBUG);
<?php $oldWorkingDir = getcwd();
$this->initialWorkingDirectory = $newWorkDir;
$io->writeError('Changed CWD to ' . getcwd(), true, IOInterface::DEBUG);