Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string
<?php is_numeric(mixed $value): bool
<?php $rawVal = isset($rawContents[$key]) ? $rawContents[$key] : null;
if (is_array($value) && (!is_numeric(key($value)) || ($key === 'repositories' && null === $k))) {
$k .= Preg::replace('{^config\.}', '', $key . '.');
$this->listConfiguration($value, $rawVal, $output, $k, $showSource);
$k = $origK;
<?php return false;
if (is_numeric($selection) && isset($matches[(int) $selection])) {
$package = $matches[(int) $selection];
return $package['name'];
<?php }
if ($requestedChannel && is_numeric($requestedChannel) && strpos($latestStable['version'], $requestedChannel) !== 0) {
$io->writeError('<warning>Warning: You forced the install of '.$latestVersion.' via --'.$requestedChannel.', but '.$latestStable['version'].' is the latest stable version. Updating to it via composer self-update --stable is recommended.</warning>');
<?php }
$channelString = $versionsUtil->getChannel();
if (is_numeric($channelString)) {
$channelString .= '.x';
<?php if ($index === $repo) {
if (is_numeric($index) && ($val === array('packagist' => false) || $val === array('' => false))) {
$config['repositories'][''] = false;
<?php if (is_array($data)) {
if (is_numeric(key($data))) {
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
$data[$key] = $this->format($val, $depth + 1);
<?php private function dumpValues(PackageInterface $package, array $keys, array $data)
foreach ($keys as $method => $key) {
if (is_numeric($method)) {
$method = $key;
<?php $pass = true;
foreach ($this->config[$property] as $key => $value) {
if (!is_string($value) && !is_numeric($value)) {
$this->errors[] = $property.'.'.$key.' : must be a string or int, '.gettype($value).' given';
$pass = false;
<?php $this->config = $config['package'];
if (!is_numeric(key($this->config))) {
$this->config = array($this->config);
<?php $channelFile = $this->config->get('home').'/update-channel';
$this->channel = $channel;
file_put_contents($channelFile, (is_numeric($channel) ? 'stable' : $channel).PHP_EOL);
<?php $this->rfs = new RemoteFilesystem($io, $config, $options, $disableTls);
if (is_numeric($maxJobs = Platform::getEnv('COMPOSER_MAX_PARALLEL_HTTP'))) {
$this->maxJobs = max(1, min(50, (int) $maxJobs));