Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Find whether the type of a variable is string
<?php is_string(mixed $value): bool
<?php             case $config === false:

            case $class === false:

                return false;

            case is_string($class):

                return $class;


                return DefaultCacher::class;
<?php         return $this


            ->setter(function ($container) {

                return is_string($container) ? AssetContainerAPI::find($container) : $container;



<?php     protected function permission($permission)


        if (is_string($permission)) {

            $permission = Permission::make($permission);

<?php     public function assignRole($role)


        $roles = collect(array_wrap($role))->map(function ($role) {

            return is_string($role) ? Role::find($role) : $role;


        $this->roles = $this->roles ?? collect();
<?php     public function removeRole($role)


        $roles = collect(array_wrap($role))->map(function ($role) {

            return is_string($role) ? Role::find($role) : $role;


        $roles->each(function ($role) {
<?php     public function hasRole($role)


        return $this->roles()->has(

            is_string($role) ? $role : $role->handle()


<?php     public function addToGroup($group)


        $groups = collect(array_wrap($group))->map(function ($group) {

            return is_string($group) ? UserGroup::find($group) : $group;


        $this->groups = $this->groups ?? collect();
<?php     public function removeFromGroup($group)


        $groups = collect(array_wrap($group))->map(function ($group) {

            return is_string($group) ? UserGroup::find($group) : $group;


        $groups->each(function ($group) {
<?php     public function isInGroup($group)


        return $this->groups()->has(

            is_string($group) ? $group : $group->handle()


<?php             return [];


        return is_string($preferences) ? json_decode($preferences, true) : $preferences;


    public function setPreferences($preferences)
<?php     public function assignRole($role)


        $roles = collect(array_wrap($role))->map(function ($role) {

            return is_string($role) ? $role : $role->handle();


        $this->set('roles', array_merge($this->get('roles', []), $roles));
<?php     public function removeRole($role)


        $toBeRemoved = collect(array_wrap($role))->map(function ($role) {

            return is_string($role) ? $role : $role->handle();


        $roles = collect($this->get('roles', []))
<?php     public function addToGroup($group)


        $groups = collect(array_wrap($group))->map(function ($group) {

            return is_string($group) ? $group : $group->handle();


        $this->set('groups', array_merge($this->get('groups', []), $groups));
<?php     public function removeFromGroup($group)


        $toBeRemoved = collect(array_wrap($group))->map(function ($group) {

            return is_string($group) ? $group : $group->handle();


        $groups = collect($this->get('groups', []))
<?php     public function assignRole($role)


        if (is_string($role)) {

            $role = RoleAPI::find($role);
