Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Find whether the type of a variable is string
<?php is_string(mixed $value): bool
<?php             ?? $mainInformation['require-dev'][$dependency]

            ?? null;

        if ( ! is_string($mainDependencyConstraint)) {


                "The main composer file does not depend on an adapter dependency.\n" .

                "Depedency {$dependency} from {$composerFile} is missing."
<?php function reset_function_mocks()


    foreach (array_keys($_ENV) as $name) {

        if (is_string($name) && substr($name, 0, 5) === '__FM:') {



<?php     private function guardAgainstInvalidMount($key, $filesystem): void


        if ( ! is_string($key)) {

            throw UnableToMountFilesystem::becauseTheKeyIsNotValid($key);

<?php         $connection = $this->connectionProvider->provideConnection();

        $contents = $connection->get($location);

        if ( ! is_string($contents)) {

            throw UnableToReadFile::fromLocation($path);

<?php         $connection = $this->connectionProvider->provideConnection();

        $contents = $connection->get($location);

        if ( ! is_string($contents)) {

            throw UnableToReadFile::fromLocation($path);
