The optional function accepts any argument and allows you to access properties or call methods on that object. If the given object is null, properties and methods will return null instead of causing an error:
<?php return optional($user->address)->street;

{!! old('name', optional($user)->name) !!}
<?php         return [

            'title' => $this->title(),

            'path' => $this->path(),

            'parent_path' => optional($this->parent())->path(),

            'basename' => $this->basename(),


<?php     protected function searchIndex()


        return optional($this->data->searchIndex())->name();


    protected function assets()
<?php     public function avatarFieldUrl()


        return optional($this->avatarFieldValue()->value())->url();

<?php     private function isOnAllowedRoute()


        if (! $route = optional(request()->route())->getName()) {

            return false;

<?php     public function orderable()


        return optional($this->structure())->maxDepth() === 1;


    public function sortField($field = null)
<?php         $site = $site ?? $this->sites()->first();

        return optional($mount->in($site))->url();


    public function uri($site = null)
<?php         $site = $site ?? $this->sites()->first();

        return optional($mount->in($site))->uri();


    public function showUrl()
<?php     private function dispatchEntryBlueprintFoundEvent($blueprint, $entry)


        $id = optional($entry)->id() ?? 'null';

        $blink = 'collection-entry-blueprint-'.$this->handle().'-'.$blueprint->handle().'-'.$id;
<?php             'locale' => $this->locale(),

            'origin' => $this->hasOrigin() ? $this->origin()->id() : null,

            'slug' => $this->slug(),

            'date' => optional($this->date())->format('Y-m-d-Hi'),

            'published' => $this->published(),

            'path' => $this->initialPath() ?? $this->path(),

            'data' => $this->data(),
<?php                 tap($structure->in($this->locale()), function ($tree) {

                    $parent = $this->parent();

                    if (optional($parent)->isRoot()) {

                        $parent = null;


                    $this->page()->pages()->all()->each(function ($child) use ($tree, $parent) {
<?php                         $parent = null;


                    $this->page()->pages()->all()->each(function ($child) use ($tree, $parent) {

                        $tree->move($child->id(), optional($parent)->id());



<?php         $this->taxonomize();


        foreach ($afterSaveCallbacks as $callback) {

<?php         return $this


            ->getter(function ($template) {

                return $template ?? optional($this->origin())->template() ?? $this->collection()->template();



<?php         return $this


            ->getter(function ($layout) {

                return $layout ?? optional($this->origin())->layout() ?? $this->collection()->layout();



<?php     {

        $array = Arr::removeNullValues([

            'id' => $this->id(),

            'origin' => optional($this->origin())->id(),

            'published' => $this->published === false ? false : null,

            'blueprint' => $this->blueprint()->handle(),
