Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string
<?php strpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false
<?php     public static function stripVariables($string)


        if (\strpos($string, '$') === false) {

            return $string;

<?php     public function getFQName(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr, $name)


        if (\strpos($name, '\\') === 0) {

            return $name;

<?php         }

        if (\strpos($name, 'namespace\\') === 0) {

            $name = \substr($name, 10);

<?php     public function isNamespaced($FQName)


        if (\strpos($FQName, '\\') !== 0) {

            throw new RuntimeException('$FQName must be a fully qualified name');

<?php             throw new RuntimeException('$FQName must be a fully qualified name');


        return (\strpos(\substr($FQName, 1), '\\') !== false);

<?php         }

        foreach ($this->removedExtensions as $extension => $versionList) {

            if (\strpos($functionLc, $extension) === 0) {

                $itemInfo = [

                    'name'   => $extension,

<?php         }

        if (\is_string($this->functionWhitelist) === true) {

            if (\strpos($this->functionWhitelist, ',') !== false) {

                $this->functionWhitelist = \explode(',', $this->functionWhitelist);

            } else {

                $this->functionWhitelist = (array) $this->functionWhitelist;
<?php                 ];

                $errorCode = 'ASPOpenTagFound';

            } elseif (\strpos($content, '<script ') !== false) {

                $data      = [


<?php         if ($openTag['code'] === \T_INLINE_HTML && $this->aspTags === false) {

            if (\strpos($content, '<%') !== false) {

                $error   = 'Possible use of ASP style opening tags detected. ASP style opening tags have been removed in PHP 7.0. Found: %s';

                $snippet = $this->getSnippet($content, '<%');

                $data    = ['<%' . $snippet];
<?php         $startPos = 0;

        if ($startAt !== '') {

            $startPos = \strpos($content, $startAt);

            if ($startPos !== false) {

                $startPos += \strlen($startAt);

<?php             }

            if (isset(BCTokens::textStringTokens()[$tokens[$i]['code']]) === true

                && \strpos($tokens[$i]['content'], '/>') !== false

            ) {


                    'Self-closing XHTML tags are ignored. Only non-self-closing tags should be used in the strip_tags() $allowable_tags parameter since PHP 5.3.4. Found: %s',
<?php                 continue;


            if (\strpos($tokens[$i]['content'], 'c+') !== false && $this->supportsBelow('5.2.5')) {

                $errors['cplusFound'] = [


<?php                     '5.2.5',



            } elseif (\strpos($tokens[$i]['content'], 'c') !== false && $this->supportsBelow('5.2.5')) {

                $errors['cFound'] = [


<?php                 ];


            if (\strpos($tokens[$i]['content'], 'e') !== false && $this->supportsBelow('7.0.15')) {

                $errors['eFound'] = [


<?php         }

        $paramName = '$encoding';

        if (\strpos($functionLC, 'iconv_') === 0) {

            $paramName = '$charset';

        } elseif ($functionLC === 'mb_convert_encoding') {

            $paramName = '$from_encoding';