Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string
<?php strpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false
<?php     if (strpos($layer, 'php-8') === false) {

        exec("docker run --rm -v \${PWD}/helpers:/var/task/ --entrypoint /var/task/ $layer", $output, $exitCode);

        if ($exitCode !== 0) {

            throw new Exception(implode(PHP_EOL, $output), $exitCode);
<?php             $animation->tick('Starting the dashboard');

            usleep(100 * 1000);

            $serverOutput = $process->getOutput() . $process->getErrorOutput();

            $hasStarted = (strpos($serverOutput, 'Development Server') !== false);

        } while ($process->isRunning() && ! $hasStarted);


        if (! $process->isRunning()) {
<?php     private static function parseKeyAndInsertValueInArray(array &$array, string $key, $value): void


        if (strpos($key, '[') === false) {

            $array[$key] = $value;

<?php             curl_setopt($this->curlHandleNext, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);

            curl_setopt($this->curlHandleNext, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);

            $phpVersion = substr(PHP_VERSION, 0, strpos(PHP_VERSION, '.', 2));

            curl_setopt($this->curlHandleNext, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "bref/{$this->layer}/$phpVersion");

<?php         $api->setTimeout(0);


        $api->waitUntil(function ($type, $output) {

            return strpos($output, 'Running on') !== false;


        try {
<?php         $logLines = array_filter($logLines, function (string $line): bool {

            $line = trim($line);

            return $line !== ''

                && (strpos($line, 'START') !== 0)

                && (strpos($line, 'END') !== 0)

                && (strpos($line, 'REPORT') !== 0);

<?php             $line = trim($line);

            return $line !== ''

                && (strpos($line, 'START') !== 0)

                && (strpos($line, 'END') !== 0)

                && (strpos($line, 'REPORT') !== 0);


        $this->assertCount(1, $logLines);
<?php             return $line !== ''

                && (strpos($line, 'START') !== 0)

                && (strpos($line, 'END') !== 0)

                && (strpos($line, 'REPORT') !== 0);


        $this->assertCount(1, $logLines);

        $logLine = reset($logLines);
<?php         $api->setTimeout(0.);


        $api->waitUntil(function ($type, $output) {

            return strpos($output, 'Running on') !== false;


        try {