
Supported Versions: PHP 5 >= 5.2.1, PHP 7, PHP 8
Returns directory path used for temporary files
<?php sys_get_temp_dir(): string
<?php             return false;


        $tmpFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), '');

        $script = $tmpFile.'.vbs';

        rename($tmpFile, $script);
<?php             Silencer::call(function () use ($io) {

                $tempfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/temp-' . md5(microtime());

                if (!(file_put_contents($tempfile, __FILE__) && (file_get_contents($tempfile) == __FILE__) && unlink($tempfile) && !file_exists($tempfile))) {

                    $io->writeError(sprintf('<error>PHP temp directory (%s) does not exist or is not writable to Composer. Set sys_temp_dir in your php.ini</error>', sys_get_temp_dir()));

<?php             Silencer::call(function () use ($io) {

                $tempfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/temp-' . md5(microtime());

                if (!(file_put_contents($tempfile, __FILE__) && (file_get_contents($tempfile) == __FILE__) && unlink($tempfile) && !file_exists($tempfile))) {

                    $io->writeError(sprintf('<error>PHP temp directory (%s) does not exist or is not writable to Composer. Set sys_temp_dir in your php.ini</error>', sys_get_temp_dir()));


<?php                 $minSpaceFree = 1024 * 1024;

                if ((($df = disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('home'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree)

                    || (($df = disk_free_space($dir = $config->get('vendor-dir'))) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree)

                    || (($df = disk_free_space($dir = sys_get_temp_dir())) !== false && $df < $minSpaceFree)

                ) {

                    $io->writeError('<error>The disk hosting '.$dir.' is full, this may be the cause of the following exception</error>', true, IOInterface::QUIET);

<?php             $sourcePath = realpath('.');

        } else {

            $sourcePath = sys_get_temp_dir().'/composer_archive'.uniqid();


            try {
<?php         }

        $tempTarget = sys_get_temp_dir().'/composer_archive'.uniqid().'.'.$format;


        $archivePath = $usableArchiver->archive($sourcePath, $tempTarget, $format, $package->getArchiveExcludes(), $ignoreFilters);
<?php         try {

            $gitUtil->runCommand(function ($url) {

                return 'git ls-remote --heads -- ' . ProcessExecutor::escape($url);

            }, $url, sys_get_temp_dir());

        } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {

            return false;

<?php             $config = new Config();


        if (!$config->has('home')) {

            $tmpDir = realpath(sys_get_temp_dir()).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cmptest-'.md5(uniqid('', true));

            $config->merge(array('config' => array('home' => $tmpDir)));

<?php         try {

            $loop = new Loop($this->httpDownloader);

            $promise = $downloader->download($this->package, $path = sys_get_temp_dir().'/composer-zip-test');


            $downloader->install($this->package, $path);
<?php         $target = $this->getTargetName($package, 'tar');


        $tmppath = sys_get_temp_dir().'/composer_archiver/'.$this->manager->getPackageFilename($package);


<?php         $this->assertFileExists($target);

        $tmppath = sys_get_temp_dir().'/composer_archiver/'.$this->manager->getPackageFilename($package);


<?php         $this->setupDummyRepo($files);

        $package = $this->setupPackage();

        $target = sys_get_temp_dir().'/';

        $archiver = new ZipArchiver();
<?php     {

        $json = $this->createJsonFileMock();

        $repoDir = realpath(sys_get_temp_dir()).'/repo_write_test/';

        $fs = new Filesystem();

<?php         $fs = new Filesystem();

        $fs->removeDirectory(sys_get_temp_dir() . '/composer-test');

        $process = $this->getProcessExecutorMock();

<?php     public static function getUniqueTmpDirectory()


        $attempts = 5;

        $root = sys_get_temp_dir();

        do {

            $unique = $root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . uniqid('composer-test-' . rand(1000, 9000));