Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Applies the callback to the elements of the given arrays
<?php array_map(?callable $callback, array $array, array ...$arrays): array
<?php         if ($configuration->hasTestsCovering()) {



                    static fn (string $name): string => '__phpunit_covers_'.$name,




<?php         if ($configuration->hasTestsUsing()) {



                    static fn (string $name): string => '__phpunit_uses_'.$name,




<?php     private function pipes(string $name, object $context, string $scope): array


        return array_map(fn (Closure $pipe): \Closure => $pipe->bindTo($context, $scope), self::$pipes[$name] ?? []);


<?php             return;


        $messages = implode(PHP_EOL, array_map(static fn (string $message): string => '- $message', $this->__snapshotChanges));


<?php             "A test with the description '%s' has %d argument(s) ([%s]) and no dataset(s) provided in %s",



            implode(', ', array_map(static fn (string $arg, string $type): string => sprintf('%s $%s', $type, $arg), array_keys($arguments), $arguments)),



<?php     public function toUse(array|string $targets): ArchExpectation


        return GroupArchExpectation::fromExpectations($this->original, array_map(fn (string $target): SingleArchExpectation => ToUse::make($this->original, $target)->opposite(

            fn () => $this->throwExpectationFailedException('toUse', $target),

        ), is_string($targets) ? [$targets] : $targets));

<?php     public function toBeUsedIn(array|string $targets): ArchExpectation


        return GroupArchExpectation::fromExpectations($this->original, array_map(fn (string $target): GroupArchExpectation => ToBeUsedIn::make($this->original, $target)->opposite(

            fn () => $this->throwExpectationFailedException('toBeUsedIn', $target),

        ), is_string($targets) ? [$targets] : $targets));


    public function toOnlyBeUsedIn(): never
<?php             'Expecting %s not %s %s.',


            strtolower((string) preg_replace('/(?<!\ )[A-Z]/', ' $0', $name)),

            implode(' ', array_map(fn (mixed $argument): string => $toString($argument), $arguments)),


<?php         $relativePath = (string) preg_replace('|%[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]|', '', $relativePath);

        $relativePath = str_replace(array_map(fn (string $quote): string => sprintf('\\%s', $quote), ['\'', '"']), '', $relativePath);

        $relativePath = (string) preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\\\\]/', '', $relativePath);
<?php         }

        $hasPrintableTestCaseClassFQN = sprintf('\%s', HasPrintableTestCaseName::class);

        $traitsCode = sprintf('use %s;', implode(', ', array_map(

            static fn (string $trait): string => sprintf('\%s', $trait), $this->traits))


        $partsFQN = explode('\\', $classFQN);
<?php             );


        $methodsCode = implode('', array_map(

            fn (TestCaseMethodFactory $methodFactory): string => $methodFactory->buildForEvaluation(






        $classAttributesCode = implode('', array_map(

            static fn (string $attribute): string => sprintf("\n%s", $attribute),
<?php             $methods


        $classAttributesCode = implode('', array_map(

            static fn (string $attribute): string => sprintf("\n%s", $attribute),



        try {

            $classCode = <<<PHP
<?php             $datasetsCode = $this->buildDatasetForEvaluation($methodName, $dataProviderName);


        $annotations = implode('', array_map(

            static fn (string $annotation): string => sprintf("\n     * %s", $annotation), $annotations,


        $attributes = implode('', array_map(

            static fn (string $attribute): string => sprintf("\n        %s", $attribute), $attributes,
<?php             static fn (string $annotation): string => sprintf("\n     * %s", $annotation), $annotations,


        $attributes = implode('', array_map(

            static fn (string $attribute): string => sprintf("\n        %s", $attribute), $attributes,


        return <<<PHP
<?php         $frames = array_filter($frames);

        $frames = array_map(

            fn (string $frame): string => $this->toRelativePath($frame),



        $frames = array_map(