Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback function
<?php array_reduce(array $array, callable $callback, mixed $initial = null): mixed
<?php $classAttributes = [];
foreach ($classAvailableAttributes as $attribute) {
$classAttributes = array_reduce(
fn (array $carry, TestCaseMethodFactory $methodFactory): array => (new $attribute())->__invoke($methodFactory, $carry),
$methodsCode = implode('', array_map(
<?php ]);
}, $targets);
$this->targets = array_reduce($targets, function (array $accumulator, string $target): array {
if (($matches = glob($target)) !== false) {
foreach ($matches as $file) {
$accumulator[] = (string) realpath($file);
return $accumulator;
}, []);
<?php fn (object|string $handler): bool => $handler instanceof HandlesArguments,
$filteredArguments = array_reduce(
fn (array $arguments, HandlesArguments $handler): array => $handler->handleArguments($arguments),
$exitCode = $this->paratestCommand()->run(new ArgvInput($filteredArguments), new CleanConsoleOutput());
<?php fn (object|string $handler): bool => $handler instanceof HandlersWorkerArguments,
return array_reduce(
fn (array $arguments, HandlersWorkerArguments $handler): array => $handler->handleWorkerArguments($arguments),
<?php public function handleArguments(array $arguments): array
$args = array_reduce(self::ARGS_TO_REMOVE, fn (array $args, string $arg): array => $this->popArgument($arg, $args), $arguments);
return $this->pushArgument('--runner='.WrapperRunner::class, $args);
<?php return str_starts_with($currentTestFile, $datasetScope);
$closestScopeDatasetKey = array_reduce(
fn (string|int|null $keyA, string|int|null $keyB): string|int|null => $keyA !== null && strlen((string) $keyA) > strlen((string) $keyB) ? $keyA : $keyB
if ($closestScopeDatasetKey === null) {
throw new DatasetDoesNotExist($name);
<?php public function run(): void
$pipeline = array_reduce(
function (): void {
call_user_func_array($this->closure, $this->passables);
<?php public function count(string $name): int
return array_reduce(
static fn (int $total, HigherOrderMessage $message): int => $total + (int) ($name === $message->name),