Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Applies the callback to the elements of the given arrays
<?php array_map(?callable $callback, array $array, array ...$arrays): array
<?php     public function jsonSerialize()


        return array_map(function ($value) {

            if ($this->shallowNesting && $value instanceof Augmentable) {

                return $value->toShallowAugmentedArray();


            if ($value instanceof JsonSerializable) {

                return $value->jsonSerialize();

            } elseif ($value instanceof Jsonable) {

                return json_decode($value->toJson(), true);

            } elseif ($value instanceof Arrayable) {

                return $value->toArray();


            return $value;

        }, $this->all());


<?php     public function extraRules(): array


        return array_map([Validator::class, 'explodeRules'], $this->extraRules);


    public function preProcessValidatable($value)
<?php     public function rawurlencode($value)


        return implode('/', array_map('rawurlencode', explode('/', $value)));

<?php     public function urlencode($value)


        return implode('/', array_map('urlencode', explode('/', $value)));

<?php     protected function toAugmentedArray()


        Collection::macro('toAugmentedArray', function ($keys = null) {

            return array_map(function ($value) use ($keys) {

                if ($value instanceof Augmentable) {

                    return $value->toAugmentedArray($keys);


                return $value instanceof Arrayable ? $value->toArray() : $value;

            }, $this->items);


        Collection::macro('toAugmentedCollection', function ($keys = null) {
<?php         });

        Collection::macro('toAugmentedCollection', function ($keys = null) {

            return array_map(function ($value) use ($keys) {

                if ($value instanceof Augmentable) {

                    return $value->toAugmentedCollection($keys);


                return $value instanceof Arrayable ? $value->toArray() : $value;

            }, $this->items);



<?php     private function standardizeArray($array)


        $array = array_map('strtolower', $array);

<?php     public static function crumb(...$values)


        return implode(' ‹ ', array_map('__', $values));


    public static function docsUrl($url)
<?php     {

        $parts = explode('|', $key);

        $key = trim(Arr::get($parts, 0));

        $modifiers = array_map('trim', (array) array_slice($parts, 1));

        return [$key, $modifiers];

<?php         $value = $data->antlersValue($this, $context);

        if (Str::startsWith($modifier, ':')) {

            $parameters = array_map(function ($param) use ($context) {

                return $context[$param] ?? null;

            }, $parameters);

            $modifier = substr($modifier, 1);

<?php         $arr = $this->user()->toAugmentedArray();

        $arr = array_map(function ($item) {

            return $item instanceof \Statamic\Fields\Value ? $item->value() : $item;

        }, $arr);


            'name' => 'John Smith',
<?php         {

            public function augment($data)


                return array_map(function ($item) {

                    return strtoupper($item).'!';

                }, $data);


<?php         {

            public function augment($data)


                return array_map(function ($item) {

                    return is_string($item) ? strtoupper($item).'!' : $item;

                }, $data);

