
Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Extract a slice of the array
<?php array_slice(    array $array,    int $offset,    ?int $length = null,    bool $preserve_keys = false): array
<?php                     if (! isset($row[3]) || $row[2] === $row[3]) {

                        $value = $row[2];

                    } else {

                        $value = array_slice($row, 2);


                    $name = $row[1];
<?php             return $value->take($limit);


        return array_slice($value, 0, $limit);

<?php                 throw new TooManyResults('Too many results found.');


            $output = array_slice($output, 0, $this->limit);

            $output_length = count($output);
<?php         $pages = $this->tree();

        if ($this->root()) {

            $pages = array_slice($pages, 1);


        $pages = (new Pages)
<?php             }

            if (strpos($var, '|') !== -1) {

                $modifiers = array_slice(explode('|', $var), 1);

                if (in_array('noparse', $modifiers)) {

                    return $this->createExtraction('noparse', $text, $val, $text);

<?php     {

        $parts = explode('|', $key);

        $key = trim(Arr::get($parts, 0));

        $modifiers = array_map('trim', (array) array_slice($parts, 1));

        return [$key, $modifiers];
