Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Searches the array for a given value and returns the first corresponding key if successful
<?php array_search(mixed $needle, array $haystack, bool $strict = false): int|string|false
<?php         if ($installedPackages = $installedRepo->findPackages($package->getName())) {

            foreach ($installedPackages as $installedPackage) {

                $installedVersion = $installedPackage->getPrettyVersion();

                $key = array_search($installedVersion, $versions);

                if (false !== $key) {

                    $versions[$key] = '<info>* ' . $installedVersion . '</info>';

<?php         $stability = $composer->getPackage()->getMinimumStability();

        $flags = $composer->getPackage()->getStabilityFlags();

        if (isset($flags[$name])) {

            $stability = array_search($flags[$name], BasePackage::$stabilities, true);


        $bestStability = $stability;
<?php             foreach ($allowlistPackagesWithRequirements as $package) {

                $packageName = Preg::replace('{^([^ =:]+)[ =:].*$}', '$1', $package);

                $index = array_search($package, $packages);

                $packages[$index] = $packageName;


<?php         foreach ($finder as $file) {

            if (in_array(realpath($file), $extraFiles, true)) {

                unset($extraFiles[array_search(realpath($file), $extraFiles, true)]);

            } elseif (!Preg::isMatch('{([/\\\\]LICENSE|\.php)$}', $file)) {

                $unexpectedFiles[] = (string) $file;

<?php                 if (is_int($name)) {

                    $this->repositories[] = $repository;

                    $this->setSourceOfConfigValue($repository, 'repositories.' . array_search($repository, $this->repositories, true), $source);

                } else {

                    if ($name === 'packagist') { // BC support for default "packagist" named repo

                        $this->repositories[$name . '.org'] = $repository;
<?php             case 'github-protocols':

                $protos = $this->config['github-protocols'];

                if ($this->config['secure-http'] && false !== ($index = array_search('git', $protos))) {



                if (reset($protos) === 'http') {
<?php         foreach ($request->getLockedPackages() as $lockedPackage) {

            if (!($lockedPackage instanceof AliasPackage) && $lockedPackage->getName() === $name) {

                if (false !== $index = array_search($lockedPackage, $this->packages, true)) {


                    $this->removeLoadedPackage($request, $repositories, $lockedPackage, $index);
<?php     private function removeLoadedPackage(Request $request, array $repositories, BasePackage $package, $index)


        $repoIndex = array_search($package->getRepository(), $repositories, true);


<?php     public function getDownloaderType(DownloaderInterface $downloader)


        return array_search($downloader, $this->downloaders);

<?php     protected function removeCleanupPath(PackageInterface $package, $path)


        if (isset($this->additionalCleanupPaths[$package->getName()])) {

            $idx = array_search($path, $this->additionalCleanupPaths[$package->getName()]);

            if (false !== $idx) {


<?php     public function removeInstaller(InstallerInterface $installer)


        if (false !== ($key = array_search($installer, $this->installers, true))) {

            array_splice($this->installers, $key, 1);

            $this->cache = array();

<?php         $result = $helper->ask($this->input, $this->getErrorOutput(), $question);

        if (!is_array($result)) {

            return (string) array_search($result, $choices, true);


        $results = array();
<?php     public function removePlugin(PluginInterface $plugin)


        $index = array_search($plugin, $this->plugins, true);

        if ($index === false) {


<?php             if ($composer) {

                if (!isset($composer['support']['source'])) {

                    $label = array_search(



                    ) ?: array_search(



                    ) ?: $identifier;
<?php                     $label = array_search(



                    ) ?: array_search(



                    ) ?: $identifier;

                    if (array_key_exists($label, $tags = $this->getTags())) {

                        $hash = $tags[$label];