Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of an array
<?php array_unshift(array &$array, mixed ...$values): int
<?php         }

        $sortedPackageMap = $this->sortPackageMap($packageMap);

        $sortedPackageMap[] = $rootPackageMap;

        array_unshift($packageMap, $rootPackageMap);

        $psr0 = $this->parseAutoloadsType($packageMap, 'psr-0', $rootPackage);

        $psr4 = $this->parseAutoloadsType($packageMap, 'psr-4', $rootPackage);
<?php             $errors = array_map(function ($err) {

                return '- ' . $err;

            }, $errors);

            array_unshift($errors, '# General errors');


        if ($warnings) {

            $warnings = array_map(function ($err) {
<?php             $warnings = array_map(function ($err) {

                return '- ' . $err;

            }, $warnings);

            array_unshift($warnings, '# General warnings');

<?php             }, $publishErrors);

            if ($checkPublish) {

                array_unshift($publishErrors, '# Publish errors');

                $errors = array_merge($errors, $publishErrors);

            } else {

                array_unshift($publishErrors, '# Publish warnings');
<?php                 array_unshift($publishErrors, '# Publish errors');

                $errors = array_merge($errors, $publishErrors);

            } else {

                array_unshift($publishErrors, '# Publish warnings');

                $extraWarnings = array_merge($extraWarnings, $publishErrors);


<?php         if ($lockErrors) {

            if ($checkLock) {

                array_unshift($lockErrors, '# Lock file errors');

                $errors = array_merge($errors, $lockErrors);

            } else {

                array_unshift($lockErrors, '# Lock file warnings');
<?php                 array_unshift($lockErrors, '# Lock file errors');

                $errors = array_merge($errors, $lockErrors);

            } else {

                array_unshift($lockErrors, '# Lock file warnings');

                $extraWarnings = array_merge($extraWarnings, $lockErrors);


<?php     private function arrayUnshiftRef(&$array, &$value)


        $return = array_unshift($array, '');

        $array[0] = &$value;

        return $return;
<?php         }

        foreach ($removeMap as $name => $package) {

            array_unshift($operations, new Operation\UninstallOperation($package));


        foreach ($removeAliasMap as $nameVersion => $package) {

            $operations[] = new Operation\MarkAliasUninstalledOperation($package);
<?php                 if ($isDownloadsModifyingPlugin && !count($requires)) {

                    array_unshift($dlModifyingPluginsNoDeps, $op);

                } else {

                    $dlModifyingPluginRequires = array_merge($dlModifyingPluginRequires, $requires);
<?php                     $dlModifyingPluginRequires = array_merge($dlModifyingPluginRequires, $requires);

                    array_unshift($dlModifyingPluginsWithDeps, $op);


<?php                 if ($isPlugin && !count($requires)) {

                    array_unshift($pluginsNoDeps, $op);

                } else {

                    $pluginRequires = array_merge($pluginRequires, $requires);
<?php                     $pluginRequires = array_merge($pluginRequires, $requires);

                    array_unshift($pluginsWithDeps, $op);


<?php             $removed = array();

            while (!is_dir($basePath) && $basePath !== '\\') {

                array_unshift($removed, basename($basePath));

                $basePath = dirname($basePath);

<?php     public function addInstaller(InstallerInterface $installer)


        array_unshift($this->installers, $installer);

        $this->cache = array();
