The collect function creates a collection instance from the given value:
<?php $collection = collect(['taylor', 'abigail']);
<?php     protected function getRouteParameters(): array


        try {

            return collect(optional($this->request->route())->parameters ?? [])->toArray();

        } catch (Throwable $e) {

            return [];

<?php                 return null;


            $telescopeEntry = collect(Telescope::$entriesQueue)->first(function ($entry) {

                return $entry instanceof IncomingExceptionEntry;

<?php     public static function styles(): array


        return collect(static::$tabs)->flatMap(function ($tab) {

            return $tab->styles;


<?php     public static function scripts(): array


        return collect(static::$tabs)->flatMap(function ($tab) {

            return $tab->scripts;


<?php         $middlewares[] = AddSolutions::class;

        $middleware = collect($middlewares)

            ->map(function (string $middlewareClass) {

                return $this->app->make($middlewareClass);

<?php             $throwable = $report['context']['exception'];


                ->each(function (Tab $tab) use ($throwable) {

                    $tab->beforeRenderingErrorPage($this->flare, $throwable);

<?php     {

        $composerClassMap = app(ComposerClassMap::class);

        $controllers = collect($composerClassMap->listClasses())

            ->filter(function (string $file, string $fqcn) {

                return Str::endsWith($fqcn, 'Controller');

<?php         string $variableName,

        string $viewFile

    ): array {

        return collect($throwable->getViewData())->map(function ($value, $key) use ($variableName) {

            similar_text($variableName, $key, $percentage);

            return ['match' => $percentage, 'value' => $value];
<?php         $extensions = $fileViewFinder->getExtensions();

        $viewsForHints = collect($fileViewFinder->getHints())

            ->flatMap(function ($paths, string $namespace) use ($extensions) {

                $paths = Arr::wrap($paths);
<?php             ->flatMap(function ($paths, string $namespace) use ($extensions) {

                $paths = Arr::wrap($paths);

                return collect($paths)

                    ->flatMap(function (string $path) use ($extensions) {

                        return $this->getViewsInPath($path, $extensions);

<?php                     ->toArray();


        $viewsForViewPaths = collect($fileViewFinder->getPaths())

            ->flatMap(function (string $path) use ($extensions) {

                return $this->getViewsInPath($path, $extensions);

<?php     {

        $details = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$this->name}.json"), true);

        return collect($details['package']['versions'])

            ->map(function ($version) {

                return collect($version['autoload'] ?? [])

                    ->map(function ($autoload) {
<?php         return collect($details['package']['versions'])

            ->map(function ($version) {

                return collect($version['autoload'] ?? [])

                    ->map(function ($autoload) {

                        return array_keys($autoload);

<?php         }

        try {


        } catch (\Exception $exception) {

            $solution = new BadMethodCallSolutionProvider();
<?php         }

        try {

            collect([])->frist(function ($item) {


        } catch (\Exception $exception) {

            $solution = new BadMethodCallSolutionProvider();