The env function retrieves the value of an environment variable or returns a default value:
<?php $env = env('APP_ENV');

$env = env('APP_ENV', 'production');
<?php     |

    'key' => env('FLARE_KEY'),

<?php     |

    'editor' => env('IGNITION_EDITOR', 'phpstorm'),

<?php     |

    'theme' => env('IGNITION_THEME', 'light'),

<?php     |

    'enable_share_button' => env('IGNITION_SHARING_ENABLED', true),

<?php     | You can enable the command registration below.


    'register_commands' => env('REGISTER_IGNITION_COMMANDS', false),

<?php     |

    'enable_runnable_solutions' => env('IGNITION_ENABLE_RUNNABLE_SOLUTIONS', null),

<?php     |

    'remote_sites_path' => env('IGNITION_REMOTE_SITES_PATH', ''),

    'local_sites_path' => env('IGNITION_LOCAL_SITES_PATH', ''),
<?php     'remote_sites_path' => env('IGNITION_REMOTE_SITES_PATH', ''),

    'local_sites_path' => env('IGNITION_LOCAL_SITES_PATH', ''),

<?php             return false;


        if (! in_array(env('DB_DATABASE'), ['homestead', 'laravel'])) {

            return false;

<?php     protected function usingCorrectDefaultCredentials(): bool


        return env('DB_USERNAME') === 'root' && env('DB_PASSWORD') === '';


<?php     public function getSolutionDescription(): string


        $defaultDatabaseName = env('DB_DATABASE');

        return "You're using the default database name `$defaultDatabaseName`. This database does not exist.\n\nEdit the `.env` file and use the correct database name in the `DB_DATABASE` key.";
