Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Join array elements with a string
Alias join
<?php implode(string $separator, array $array): string
<?php             $flagsArray = ['AMQP_NOPARAM'];


        return new ConstStub(implode('|', $flagsArray), $flags);


<?php             ($end = $p->getEndDate()) ? 'to '.self::formatDateTime($end) : 'recurring '.$p->recurrences.' time/s'


        $p = [Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'period' => new ConstStub($period, implode("\n", $dates))];

        return $filter & Caster::EXCLUDE_VERBOSE ? $p : $p + $a;

<?php             $cacheKey = $f;

            unset($cacheKey['object'], $cacheKey['args']);

            $cacheKey[] = self::$srcContext;

            $cacheKey = implode('-', $cacheKey);

            if (isset(self::$framesCache[$cacheKey])) {

                $a[$prefix.'src'] = self::$framesCache[$cacheKey];
<?php         if ($composerRoot = $this->getComposerRoot($href, $this->inVendor)) {

            $this->attr['ellipsis'] = \strlen($href) - \strlen($composerRoot) + 1;

            $this->attr['ellipsis-type'] = 'path';

            $this->attr['ellipsis-tail'] = 1 + ($this->inVendor ? 2 + \strlen(implode('', \array_slice(explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, substr($href, 1 - $this->attr['ellipsis'])), 0, 2))) : 0);

        } elseif (3 < \count($ellipsis = explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $href))) {

            $this->attr['ellipsis'] = 2 + \strlen(implode('', \array_slice($ellipsis, -2)));

            $this->attr['ellipsis-type'] = 'path';
<?php             $this->attr['ellipsis-type'] = 'path';

            $this->attr['ellipsis-tail'] = 1 + ($this->inVendor ? 2 + \strlen(implode('', \array_slice(explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, substr($href, 1 - $this->attr['ellipsis'])), 0, 2))) : 0);

        } elseif (3 < \count($ellipsis = explode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $href))) {

            $this->attr['ellipsis'] = 2 + \strlen(implode('', \array_slice($ellipsis, -2)));

            $this->attr['ellipsis-type'] = 'path';

            $this->attr['ellipsis-tail'] = 1;

<?php         $prefix = Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL;

        if ($n = \Reflection::getModifierNames($c->getModifiers())) {

            $a[$prefix.'modifiers'] = implode(' ', $n);


        self::addMap($a, $c, [
<?php     public static function castClassConstant(\ReflectionClassConstant $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested)


        $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'modifiers'] = implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($c->getModifiers()));

        $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'value'] = $c->getValue();

        self::addAttributes($a, $c);
<?php     public static function castMethod(\ReflectionMethod $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested)


        $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'modifiers'] = implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($c->getModifiers()));

        return $a;

<?php     public static function castProperty(\ReflectionProperty $c, array $a, Stub $stub, bool $isNested)


        $a[Caster::PREFIX_VIRTUAL.'modifiers'] = implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($c->getModifiers()));

        self::addAttributes($a, $c);

        self::addExtra($a, $c);
<?php         $pin = openssl_pkey_get_public($h);

        $pin = openssl_pkey_get_details($pin)['key'];

        $pin = \array_slice(explode("\n", $pin), 1, -2);

        $pin = base64_decode(implode('', $pin));

        $pin = base64_encode(hash('sha256', $pin, true));

        $a += [
<?php                     $flagsArray[] = $name;



            $a[$prefix.'flags'] = new ConstStub(implode('|', $flagsArray), $a[$prefix.'flags']);


        if (isset($a[$prefix.'fstat'])) {
<?php     protected function configure()



            ->addOption('format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, sprintf('The output format (%s)', implode(', ', $this->getAvailableFormats())), 'cli')



<info></info> starts a dump server that collects and displays
<?php         }

        return [

            'command_line' => $commandLine = implode(' ', $_SERVER['argv'] ?? []),

            'identifier' => hash('crc32b', $commandLine.$_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']),


<?php                                     $fileExcerpt[] = '<li'.($i === $line ? ' class="selected"' : '').'><code>'.$this->htmlEncode($src[$i - 1]).'</code></li>';


                                $fileExcerpt = '<ol start="'.max($line - 3, 1).'">'.implode("\n", $fileExcerpt).'</ol>';



<?php                 $args[] = json_encode($this->extraDisplayOptions, \JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);


            $this->line .= sprintf(str_replace('"%s"', '%s', $this->dumpSuffix), implode(', ', $args));


        $this->lastDepth = $depth;