Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string
<?php strpos(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int|false
<?php                     if (!isset($publicProperties[$class][$k])) {

                        $prefixedKeys[$i] = self::PREFIX_DYNAMIC.$k;


                } elseif ($debugClass !== $class && 1 === strpos($k, $class)) {

                    $prefixedKeys[$i] = "\0".$debugClass.strrchr($k, "\0");


<?php                     $r = [$callable, '__invoke'];

                } elseif (\is_array($callable)) {

                    $r = $callable;

                } elseif (false !== $i = strpos($callable, '::')) {

                    $r = [substr($callable, 0, $i), substr($callable, 2 + $i)];

                } else {

                    $r = new \ReflectionFunction($callable);
<?php                 } else {

                    $r = new \ReflectionFunction($callable);


            } elseif (0 < $i = strpos($identifier, '::') ?: strpos($identifier, '->')) {

                $r = [substr($identifier, 0, $i), substr($identifier, 2 + $i)];

            } else {

                $r = new \ReflectionClass($identifier);
<?php                 'length' => 0 <= $cut ? mb_strlen($str, 'UTF-8') + $cut : 0,

                'binary' => $bin,


            $str = $bin && false !== strpos($str, "\0") ? [$str] : explode("\n", $str);

            if (isset($str[1]) && !isset($str[2]) && !isset($str[1][0])) {


                $str[0] .= "\n";
<?php                 case Cursor::HASH_OBJECT:

                    if (!isset($key[0]) || "\0" !== $key[0]) {

                        $this->line .= '+'.$bin.$this->style('public', $key).': ';

                    } elseif (0 < strpos($key, "\0", 1)) {

                        $key = explode("\0", substr($key, 1), 2);

                        switch ($key[0][0]) {