Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Return a formatted string
<?php sprintf(string $format, mixed ...$values): string
<?php     public static function new(string $name): self


        return new self(

            sprintf('Named parameter "%s" does not have a bound value.', $name)



<?php     public static function new(int $index): self


        return new self(

            sprintf('Positional parameter at index %d does not have a bound value.', $index)



<?php                 continue;


            $chunks[] = sprintf('(%s=%s)', $key, $string);


        return implode('', $chunks);
<?php     public static function new($type): self


        return new self(sprintf('Unknown parameter type, %d given.', $type));


<?php         $chunks = [];

        foreach ($params as $key => $value) {

            $chunks[] = sprintf('%s=%s', $key, $value);


        return new self(implode(';', $chunks));
<?php {

    public static function new(int $parameter): self


        return new self(sprintf('Failed reading the stream resource for parameter #%d.', $parameter));


<?php     public static function fromCharset(mysqli $connection, string $charset): self


        return new self(

            sprintf('Failed to set charset "%s": %s', $charset, $connection->error),



<?php     public static function fromOption(int $option, $value): self


        return new self(

            sprintf('Failed to set option %d with value "%s"', $option, $value)



<?php     public static function new(int $parameter): self


        return new self(

            sprintf('The resource passed as a LARGE_OBJECT parameter #%d must be of type "stream"', $parameter)



<?php     public static function new(int $offset): self


        return new self(


                'The statement contains non-terminated string literal starting at offset %d.',





<?php     public static function new(int $index): self


        return new self(

            sprintf('Could not find variable mapping with index %d, in the SQL statement', $index)



<?php         $connectionOptionsDsn = '';

        foreach ($connectionOptions as $paramName => $paramValue) {

            $connectionOptionsDsn .= sprintf(';%s=%s', $paramName, $paramValue);


        return $connectionOptionsDsn;
<?php         }

        if (is_float($value)) {

            return sprintf('%F', $value);


        return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $value) . "'";
<?php {

    public static function notSupported(string $method): self


        return new self(sprintf("Operation '%s' is not supported by platform.", $method));

<?php     {

        if (is_object($invalidPlatform)) {

            return new self(


                    "Option 'platform' must be a subtype of '%s', instance of '%s' given",




