
Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string
<?php str_replace(    array|string $search,    array|string $replace,    string|array $subject,    int &$count = null): string|array
<?php             return $value;


        $value = str_replace("'", "''", $value);

        return "'" . addcslashes($value, "\000\n\r\\\032") . "'";

<?php             return sprintf('%F', $value);


        return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $value) . "'";


    public function exec(string $sql): int
<?php             unset($params['driverClass']);

            $driver = str_replace('-', '_', $scheme);
<?php     {

        $c = $this->getIdentifierQuoteCharacter();

        return $c . str_replace($c, $c . $c, $str) . $c;

<?php     {

        $c = $this->getStringLiteralQuoteCharacter();

        return $c . str_replace($c, $c . $c, $str) . $c;

<?php     private function isReservedWord($word)


        if ($word[0] === '`') {

            $word = str_replace('`', '', $word);


        $keywordLists = [];
<?php     public function quoteStringLiteral($str)


        $str = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $str); // MySQL requires backslashes to be escaped aswell.

        return parent::quoteStringLiteral($str);

<?php     {

        return parent::getForeignKeyDeclarationSQL(new ForeignKeyConstraint(


            str_replace('.', '__', $foreignKey->getQuotedForeignTableName($this)),



<?php     protected function _getCreateTableSQL($name, array $columns, array $options = [])


        $name        = str_replace('.', '__', $name);

        $queryFields = $this->getColumnDeclarationListSQL($columns);

        if (isset($options['uniqueConstraints']) && ! empty($options['uniqueConstraints'])) {
<?php     public function getListTableConstraintsSQL($table)


        $table = str_replace('.', '__', $table);

        return sprintf(

            "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name = %s AND sql NOT NULL ORDER BY name",
<?php     public function getListTableColumnsSQL($table, $database = null)


        $table = str_replace('.', '__', $table);

        return sprintf('PRAGMA table_info(%s)', $this->quoteStringLiteral($table));

<?php     public function getListTableIndexesSQL($table, $database = null)


        $table = str_replace('.', '__', $table);

        return sprintf('PRAGMA index_list(%s)', $this->quoteStringLiteral($table));

<?php     public function getTruncateTableSQL($tableName, $cascade = false)


        $tableIdentifier = new Identifier($tableName);

        $tableName       = str_replace('.', '__', $tableIdentifier->getQuotedName($this));

        return 'DELETE FROM ' . $tableName;

<?php     public function getInlineColumnCommentSQL($comment)


        return '--' . str_replace("\n", "\n--", $comment) . "\n";


    private function getInlineTableCommentSQL(string $comment): string
<?php     public function getTemporaryTableName($tableName)


        $tableName = str_replace('.', '__', $tableName);

        return $tableName;
