Supported Versions: PHP 8
Determine if a string contains a given substring
<?php str_contains(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
<?php }
if ($class->isAbstract() || ($suiteClassFile !== $class->getFileName())) {
if (! str_contains($class->getFileName(), 'TestCaseFactory.php')) {
<?php public function notify(Skipped $event): void
if (str_contains($event->message(), '__TODO__')) {
<?php preg_match('/\((.*?)\)/', $description, $matches);
if (count($matches) > 1) {
if (str_contains($description, 'with '.$matches[0].' /')) {
$description = str_replace('with '.$matches[0].' /', '', $description);
} else {
$description = str_replace('with '.$matches[0], '', $description);
<?php {
return Targeted::make(
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => str_contains((string) file_get_contents($object->path), 'declare(strict_types=1);'),
'to use strict types',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, '<?php')),
<?php $this,
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => str_contains((string) file_get_contents($object->path), 'declare(strict_types=1);'),
'to use strict types',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, '<?php')),
<?php $this,
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! enum_exists($object->name) && $object->reflectionClass->isFinal(),
'to be final',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),
<?php $this,
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! enum_exists($object->name) && $object->reflectionClass->isReadOnly() && assert(true), // @phpstan-ignore-line
'to be readonly',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),
<?php $this,
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->isTrait(),
'to be trait',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),
<?php $this,
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->isAbstract(),
'to be abstract',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),
<?php $this,
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->hasMethod($method),
'to have method',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),
<?php $this,
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->isEnum(),
'to be enum',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),
<?php $this,
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->isInterface(),
'to be interface',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),
<?php $this,
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $class === $object->reflectionClass->getName() || $object->reflectionClass->isSubclassOf($class),
sprintf("to extend '%s'", $class),
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),
<?php $this,
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->getParentClass() === false,
'to extend nothing',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),
<?php $this,
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => $object->reflectionClass->getInterfaceNames() === [],
'to implement nothing',
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),