Supported Versions: PHP 8
Checks if a string starts with a given substring
<?php str_starts_with(string $haystack, string $needle): bool
<?php {
return Targeted::make(
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => str_starts_with($object->reflectionClass->getShortName(), $prefix),
"to have prefix '{$prefix}'",
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),
<?php {
return Targeted::make(
fn (ObjectDescription $object): bool => ! str_starts_with($object->reflectionClass->getShortName(), $prefix),
"not to have prefix '{$prefix}'",
FileLineFinder::where(fn (string $line): bool => str_contains($line, 'class')),
<?php {
$name = $testSuite->name();
if (! str_starts_with($name, self::PREFIX)) {
return $name;
<?php throw new InvalidArgumentException('The version must start with [<] or [>].');
if (str_starts_with($version, '>=') || str_starts_with($version, '<=')) {
$operator = substr($version, 0, 2);
$version = substr($version, 2);
} elseif (str_starts_with($version, '>') || str_starts_with($version, '<')) {
<?php if (str_starts_with($version, '>=') || str_starts_with($version, '<=')) {
$operator = substr($version, 0, 2);
$version = substr($version, 2);
} elseif (str_starts_with($version, '>') || str_starts_with($version, '<')) {
$operator = $version[0];
$version = substr($version, 1);
<?php $startChar = strtolower((string) preg_replace('~^([a-z]+:\\\).*$~i', '$1', __DIR__));
return str_starts_with($path, $startChar)
? $path
<?php return true;
if (str_starts_with($arg, "$argument=")) {
return true;
<?php private function ensureRunner(array $arguments): array
foreach ($arguments as $value) {
if (str_starts_with($value, '--runner')) {
$arguments = $this->popArgument($value, $arguments);
<?php public function print(string $buffer): void
$buffer = OutputFormatter::escape($buffer);
if (str_starts_with($buffer, "\nGenerating code coverage report")) {
if (str_starts_with($buffer, 'done [')) {
<?php if (str_starts_with($buffer, "\nGenerating code coverage report")) {
if (str_starts_with($buffer, 'done [')) {
<?php return false;
return str_starts_with($currentTestFile, $datasetScope);
$closestScopeDatasetKey = array_reduce(
<?php $className = (new ReflectionClass($this->target))->getName();
if (str_starts_with($className, 'P\\')) {
$className = substr($className, 2);
<?php public static function startsWith(string $target, string $search): bool
return str_starts_with($target, $search);
<?php $relativePath = str_replace($this->projectRoot, '', $testCaseFilename);
$relativePath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $relativePath);
if (str_starts_with($relativePath, '/')) {
$relativePath = substr($relativePath, 1);
<?php $dirtyFiles = array_filter(
fn (string $file): bool => str_starts_with('.'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file, TestSuite::getInstance()->testPath)
|| str_starts_with($file, TestSuite::getInstance()->testPath)