The throw_if function throws the given exception if a given boolean expression evaluates to true:
<?php throw_if(! Auth::user()->isAdmin(), AuthorizationException::class);

    ! Auth::user()->isAdmin(),
    'You are not allowed to access this page.'
<?php         try {

            return $this->driver->read($path);

        } catch (UnableToReadFile $e) {

            throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);


<?php                 ? $this->driver->writeStream($path, $contents, $options)

                : $this->driver->write($path, $contents, $options);

        } catch (UnableToWriteFile|UnableToSetVisibility $e) {

            throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);

            return false;

<?php         try {

            $this->driver->setVisibility($path, $this->parseVisibility($visibility));

        } catch (UnableToSetVisibility $e) {

            throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);

            return false;

<?php             try {


            } catch (UnableToDeleteFile $e) {

                throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);

                $success = false;

<?php         try {

            $this->driver->copy($from, $to);

        } catch (UnableToCopyFile $e) {

            throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);

            return false;

<?php         try {

            $this->driver->move($from, $to);

        } catch (UnableToMoveFile $e) {

            throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);

            return false;

<?php         try {

            return $this->driver->checksum($path, $options);

        } catch (UnableToProvideChecksum $e) {

            throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);

            return false;

<?php         try {

            return $this->driver->mimeType($path);

        } catch (UnableToRetrieveMetadata $e) {

            throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);


        return false;
<?php         try {

            return $this->driver->readStream($path);

        } catch (UnableToReadFile $e) {

            throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);


<?php         try {

            $this->driver->writeStream($path, $resource, $options);

        } catch (UnableToWriteFile|UnableToSetVisibility $e) {

            throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);

            return false;

<?php         try {


        } catch (UnableToCreateDirectory|UnableToSetVisibility $e) {

            throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);

            return false;

<?php         try {


        } catch (UnableToDeleteDirectory $e) {

            throw_if($this->throwsExceptions(), $e);

            return false;

<?php     function throw_unless($condition, $exception = 'RuntimeException', ...$parameters)


        throw_if(! $condition, $exception, ...$parameters);

        return $condition;

<?php     public function validate()


        throw_if($this->fails(), $this->exception, $this);

        return $this->validated();

<?php             $this->passes();


        throw_if($this->messages->isNotEmpty(), $this->exception, $this);

        $results = [];