The config function gets the value of a configuration variable. The configuration values may be accessed using "dot" syntax, which includes the name of the file and the option you wish to access. A default value may be specified and is returned if the configuration option does not exist:
<?php $value = config('app.timezone');

$value = config('app.timezone', $default);
<?php             };


        if (empty($paths = config(''))) {

            throw new InvalidArgumentException(

                'List of directories/files to watch not found. Please update your "config/octane.php" configuration file.',

<?php         return tap(new Process([

            (new ExecutableFinder)->find('node'),


            json_encode(collect(config(''))->map(fn ($path) => base_path($path))),

        ], realpath(__DIR__.'/../../../bin'), null, null, null))->start();

<?php     public function handle()


        $server = $this->option('server') ?: config('octane.server');

        return match ($server) {

            'swoole' => $this->reloadSwooleServer(),
<?php     public function handle()


        $server = $this->option('server') ?: config('octane.server');

        return match ($server) {

            'swoole' => $this->startSwooleServer(),
<?php     protected function stopServer()


        $server = $this->option('server') ?: config('octane.server');

        $this->callSilent('octane:stop', [

            '--server' => $server,
<?php             '-o', 'rpc.listen=tcp://'.$this->option('host').':'.$this->rpcPort(),

            '-o', 'http.pool.supervisor.exec_ttl='.$this->maxExecutionTime(),

            '-o', 'http.static.dir=public',

            '-o', 'http.middleware='.config('octane.roadrunner.http_middleware', 'static'),

            '-o', 'logs.mode=production',

            '-o', app()->environment('local') ? 'logs.level=debug' : 'logs.level=warning',

            '-o', 'logs.output=stdout',
<?php         ServerStateFile $serverStateFile

    ) {


            'appName' => config('', 'Laravel'),

            'host' => $this->option('host'),

            'port' => $this->option('port'),

            'rpcPort' => $this->rpcPort(),
<?php             'rpcPort' => $this->rpcPort(),

            'workers' => $this->workerCount(),

            'maxRequests' => $this->option('max-requests'),

            'octaneConfig' => config('octane'),


<?php     protected function maxExecutionTime()


        return config('octane.max_execution_time', '30').'s';

<?php             return 1;


        if (config('octane.swoole.ssl', false) === true && ! defined('SWOOLE_SSL')) {

            $this->error('You must configure Swoole with `--enable-openssl` to support ssl.');

            return 1;
<?php         SwooleExtension $extension

    ) {


            'appName' => config('', 'Laravel'),

            'host' => $this->option('host'),

            'port' => $this->option('port'),

            'workers' => $this->workerCount($extension),
<?php             'publicPath' => public_path(),

            'storagePath' => storage_path(),

            'defaultServerOptions' => $this->defaultServerOptions($extension),

            'octaneConfig' => config('octane'),


<?php     public function handle()


        $server = $this->option('server') ?: config('octane.server');

        $isRunning = match ($server) {

            'swoole' => $this->isSwooleServerRunning(),
<?php     public function handle()


        $server = $this->option('server') ?: config('octane.server');

        return match ($server) {

            'swoole' => $this->stopSwooleServer(),
<?php     public function handle($event): void


        if (config('cache.stores.array')) {


