function returns the value it is given. If a closure is passed as the second argument to the function, the closure will be executed and its returned value will be returned:<?php $callback = function ($value) {
return (is_numeric($value)) ? $value * 2 : 0;
$result = with(5, $callback);
$result = with(null, $callback);
$result = with(5, null);
<?php }
if ($event->sandbox->resolved('auth')) {
with($event->sandbox->make('auth'), function ($auth) use ($event) {
<?php return;
with($event->sandbox->make(BroadcastManager::class), function ($manager) use ($event) {
<?php return;
with($event->sandbox->make('db'), function ($manager) use ($event) {
<?php return;
with($event->sandbox->make('mail.manager'), function ($manager) use ($event) {
<?php return;
with($event->sandbox->make(ChannelManager::class), function ($manager) use ($event) {
<?php return;
with($event->sandbox->make(Hub::class), function ($hub) use ($event) {
<?php return;
with($event->sandbox->make('queue'), function ($manager) use ($event) {
<?php return;
with($event->sandbox->make('validator'), function ($factory) use ($event) {
<?php return;
with($event->sandbox->make('view'), function ($view) use ($event) {
$view->share('app', $event->sandbox);