The now function creates a new Illuminate\Support\Carbon instance for the current time:
<?php $now = now();
<?php {

    public function test_callable_is_invoked_when_due()


        Carbon::setTestNow($now = now());

        $instance = new InvokeTickCallable(

            'key', fn () => $_SERVER['__test.invokeTickCallable'] = true, 1, true,
<?php     public function test_callable_is_not_invoked_when_not_due()


        Carbon::setTestNow($now = now());

        $_SERVER['__test.invokeTickCallable'] = false;
<?php     public function test_callable_is_invoked_when_first_run_and_immediate()


        Carbon::setTestNow($now = now());

        $instance = new InvokeTickCallable(

            'key', fn () => $_SERVER['__test.invokeTickCallable'] = true, 1, true,
<?php     public function test_callable_is_not_invoked_when_first_run_and_not_immediate()


        Carbon::setTestNow($now = now());

        $instance = new InvokeTickCallable(

            'key', fn () => $_SERVER['__test.invokeTickCallable'] = true, 1, false,
<?php         $this->assertTrue(is_string($first = $store->get('foo')));

