Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.0.1, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Pad a string to a certain length with another string
<?php str_pad(    string $string,    int $length,    string $pad_string = " ",    int $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT): string
<?php     protected function disableForeignKeyConstraints($stub): string


        $stub = str_replace('Schema::create(', 'Schema::disableForeignKeyConstraints();' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . 'Schema::create(', $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('});', '});' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . 'Schema::enableForeignKeyConstraints();', $stub);
<?php     {

        $stub = str_replace('Schema::create(', 'Schema::disableForeignKeyConstraints();' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . 'Schema::create(', $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('});', '});' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . 'Schema::enableForeignKeyConstraints();', $stub);

        return $stub;

<?php                             }

                            $assertion .= ' {' . PHP_EOL;

                            $assertion .= str_pad(' ', 12);

                            $assertion .= 'return ' . implode(' && ', $conditions) . ';';

                            $assertion .= PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . '}';

<?php                             $assertion .= ' {' . PHP_EOL;

                            $assertion .= str_pad(' ', 12);

                            $assertion .= 'return ' . implode(' && ', $conditions) . ';';

                            $assertion .= PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . '}';


                        $assertion .= ');';
<?php                             }

                            $assertion .= ' {' . PHP_EOL;

                            $assertion .= str_pad(' ', 12);

                            $assertion .= 'return ' . implode(' && ', $conditions) . ';';

                            $assertion .= PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . '}';

<?php                             $assertion .= ' {' . PHP_EOL;

                            $assertion .= str_pad(' ', 12);

                            $assertion .= 'return ' . implode(' && ', $conditions) . ';';

                            $assertion .= PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . '}';


                        $assertion .= ');';
<?php                         }

                        $assertion .= ' {' . PHP_EOL;

                        $assertion .= str_pad(' ', 12);

                        $assertion .= 'return ' . implode(' && ', $conditions) . ';';

                        $assertion .= PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . '}';

<?php                         $assertion .= ' {' . PHP_EOL;

                        $assertion .= str_pad(' ', 12);

                        $assertion .= 'return ' . implode(' && ', $conditions) . ';';

                        $assertion .= PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . '}';


                    $assertion .= ');';
<?php                         }

                        $assertion .= ' {' . PHP_EOL;

                        $assertion .= str_pad(' ', 12);

                        $assertion .= 'return ' . implode(' && ', $conditions) . ';';

                        $assertion .= PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . '}';

<?php                         $assertion .= ' {' . PHP_EOL;

                        $assertion .= str_pad(' ', 12);

                        $assertion .= 'return ' . implode(' && ', $conditions) . ';';

                        $assertion .= PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8) . '}';


                    $assertion .= ');';
<?php                         $tested_bits |= self::TESTS_SAVE;

                        if ($request_data) {

                            $indent = str_pad(' ', 12);

                            $plural = Str::plural($variable);

                            $assertion = sprintf('$%s = %s::query()', $plural, $model);

                            foreach ($request_data as $key => $datum) {
<?php                 $call .= ', [';

                $call .= PHP_EOL;

                foreach ($request_data as $key => $datum) {

                    $call .= str_pad(' ', 12);

                    $call .= sprintf('\'%s\' => %s,', $key, $datum);

                    $call .= PHP_EOL;

<?php                     $call .= PHP_EOL;


                $call .= str_pad(' ', 8) . ']';


            $call .= ');';
<?php             $body = implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, array_map([$this, 'buildLines'], $this->uniqueSetupLines($setup)));

            $body .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

            $body .= str_pad(' ', 8) . $call;

            $body .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

            $body .= implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, array_map([$this, 'buildLines'], array_filter($assertions)));
<?php     private function buildLines($lines)


        return str_pad(' ', 8) . implode(PHP_EOL . str_pad(' ', 8), $lines);


    private function splitField($field)