Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string
<?php str_replace(    array|string $search,    array|string $replace,    string|array $subject,    int &$count = null): string|array
<?php     public static function appPath()


        return str_replace('\\', '/', config('blueprint.app_path'));


    public static function useReturnTypeHints()
<?php     public function parse($content, $strip_dashes = true)


        $content = str_replace(["\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $content);

        if ($strip_dashes) {

            $content = preg_replace('/^(\s*)-\s*/m', '\1', $content);
<?php         return array_map(

            function ($option) {

                $raw_value = str_replace("''", "'", trim($option, "'"));

                if (!preg_match('/\s/', $raw_value)) {

                    return $raw_value;
<?php     protected function getPath(Model $model)


        $path = str_replace('\\', '/', Blueprint::relativeNamespace($model->fullyQualifiedClassName()));

        return sprintf('%s/%s.php', $this->basePath ?? Blueprint::appPath(), $path);

<?php     protected function populateStub(string $stub, Controller $controller)


        $stub = str_replace('{{ namespace }}', $controller->fullyQualifiedNamespace(), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ class }}', $controller->className(), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ methods }}', $this->buildMethods($controller), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ imports }}', $this->buildImports($controller), $stub);
<?php     protected function populateStub(string $stub, Controller $controller)


        $stub = str_replace('{{ namespace }}', $controller->fullyQualifiedNamespace(), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ class }}', $controller->className(), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ methods }}', $this->buildMethods($controller), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ imports }}', $this->buildImports($controller), $stub);
<?php     {

        $stub = str_replace('{{ namespace }}', $controller->fullyQualifiedNamespace(), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ class }}', $controller->className(), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ methods }}', $this->buildMethods($controller), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ imports }}', $this->buildImports($controller), $stub);

        return $stub;
<?php         $stub = str_replace('{{ namespace }}', $controller->fullyQualifiedNamespace(), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ class }}', $controller->className(), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ methods }}', $this->buildMethods($controller), $stub);

        $stub = str_replace('{{ imports }}', $this->buildImports($controller), $stub);

        return $stub;

<?php         $methods = '';

        foreach ($controller->methods() as $name => $statements) {

            $method = str_replace('{{ method }}', $name, $template);

            if (in_array($name, ['edit', 'update', 'show', 'destroy'])) {

                $context = Str::singular($controller->prefix());
<?php                 $search = '     * @return \\Illuminate\\Http\\Response';

                $method = str_replace($search, '     * @param \\' . $reference . ' ' . $variable . PHP_EOL . $search, $method);

                $search = '(Request $request';

                $method = str_replace($search, $search . ', ' . $context . ' ' . $variable, $method);
<?php                 $method = str_replace($search, '     * @param \\' . $reference . ' ' . $variable . PHP_EOL . $search, $method);

                $search = '(Request $request';

                $method = str_replace($search, $search . ', ' . $context . ' ' . $variable, $method);

                $this->addImport($controller, $reference);

<?php                     $fqcn = config('blueprint.namespace') . '\\Http\\Requests\\' . ($controller->namespace() ? $controller->namespace() . '\\' : '') . $class_name;

                    $method = str_replace('\Illuminate\Http\Request $request', '\\' . $fqcn . ' $request', $method);

                    $method = str_replace('(Request $request', '(' . $class_name . ' $request', $method);

                    $this->addImport($controller, $fqcn);
<?php                     $fqcn = config('blueprint.namespace') . '\\Http\\Requests\\' . ($controller->namespace() ? $controller->namespace() . '\\' : '') . $class_name;

                    $method = str_replace('\Illuminate\Http\Request $request', '\\' . $fqcn . ' $request', $method);

                    $method = str_replace('(Request $request', '(' . $class_name . ' $request', $method);

                    $this->addImport($controller, $fqcn);

                } elseif ($statement instanceof DispatchStatement) {
<?php                     $body .= self::INDENT . $statement->output() . PHP_EOL;

                } elseif ($statement instanceof ResourceStatement) {

                    $fqcn = config('blueprint.namespace') . '\\Http\\Resources\\' . ($controller->namespace() ? $controller->namespace() . '\\' : '') . $statement->name();

                    $method = str_replace('* @return \\Illuminate\\Http\\Response', '* @return \\' . $fqcn, $method);

                    $this->addImport($controller, $fqcn);

                    $body .= self::INDENT . $statement->output() . PHP_EOL;
<?php                             $this->addImport($controller, $this->determineModel($controller, $queryStatement->model()));


                        $body = str_replace('::all();', '::paginate();', $body);


                } elseif ($statement instanceof RedirectStatement) {

                    $body .= self::INDENT . $statement->output() . PHP_EOL;