Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string
<?php trim(string $string, string $characters = " \n\r\t\v\x00"): string
<?php         return array_map(

            function ($option) {

                $raw_value = str_replace("''", "'", trim($option, "'"));

                if (!preg_match('/\s/', $raw_value)) {

                    return $raw_value;
<?php             }

            if (!empty($body)) {

                $method = str_replace('{{ body }}', trim($body), $method);


            if (Blueprint::useReturnTypeHints()) {
<?php             $methods .= PHP_EOL . $method;


        return trim($methods);


    private function determineModel(Controller $controller, ?string $reference)
<?php             return '//';


        return trim($definition);


    private function fillableColumns(array $columns): array
<?php             $definition .= self::INDENT . '$table->' . $model->timestampsDataType() . '();' . PHP_EOL;


        return trim($definition);


    protected function buildPivotTableDefinition(array $segments)
<?php             }


        return trim($definition);


    protected function buildPolyTableDefinition(string $parentTable)
<?php         $definition .= self::INDENT . sprintf('$table->unsignedBigInteger(\'%s\');', Str::lower(Str::singular($parentTable) . 'able' . '_id')) . PHP_EOL;

        $definition .= self::INDENT . sprintf('$table->string(\'%s\');', Str::lower(Str::singular($parentTable) . 'able' . '_type')) . PHP_EOL;

        return trim($definition);


    protected function buildForeignKey(string $column_name, ?string $on, string $type, array $attributes = [], array $modifiers = [])
<?php         $body .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

        $body .= $this->buildRelationships($model);

        $stub = str_replace('use HasFactory;', 'use HasFactory;' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '    ' . trim($body), $stub);

        $stub = $this->addTraits($model, $stub);
<?php             $properties .= PHP_EOL . str_replace('[]', $this->pretty_print_array($columns), $this->filesystem->stub('model.casts.stub'));


        return trim($properties);


    protected function buildRelationships(Model $model)
<?php             $output = preg_replace('/^(\s+)[^=]+=>\s+/m', '$1', $output);


        return trim(str_replace("\n", PHP_EOL, $output));


    private function phpDataType(string $dataType)
<?php             $routes .= ';' . PHP_EOL;


        return trim($routes);


    protected function getClassName(Controller $controller)
<?php             $stub = str_replace('{{ body }}', $this->buildAssignments($statement->data()), $stub);


        return trim($stub);


    protected function buildProperties(array $data)
<?php     protected function buildProperties(array $data)


        return trim(



                function ($output, $property) {

                    $output .= '    public $' . $property . ';' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

                    return $output;






    protected function buildAssignments(array $data)
<?php     protected function buildAssignments(array $data)


        return trim(



                function ($output, $property) {

                    $output .= '        $this->' . $property . ' = $' . $property . ';' . PHP_EOL;

                    return $output;






    protected function buildParameters(array $data)
<?php     protected function buildRules(string $context, ValidateStatement $validateStatement)


        return trim(



                function ($output, $field) use ($context) {

                    [$qualifier, $column] = $this->splitField($field);

                    if (is_null($qualifier)) {

                        $qualifier = $context;


                    $validationRules = $this->validationRules($qualifier, $column);

                    foreach ($validationRules as $name => $rule) {

                        $formattedRule = implode("', '", $rule);

                        $output .= self::INDENT . "'{$name}' => ['{$formattedRule}']," . PHP_EOL;


                    return $output;






    private function getName(string $context, string $method)