
Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Push one or more elements onto the end of array
<?php array_push(array &$array, mixed ...$values): int
<?php     protected function trackInRenderStack($component, $callback)


        array_push(static::$renderStack, $component);

        return tap($callback(), function () {

<?php     protected function pushOntoComponentStack($component)


        array_push($this::$componentStack, $component);


    protected function popOffComponentStack()
<?php         $collectionCount = $this->count();

        foreach (range(1, min($count, $collectionCount)) as $item) {

            array_push($results, array_pop($this->items));


        return new static($results);
<?php         $collectionCount = $this->count();

        foreach (range(1, min($count, $collectionCount)) as $item) {

            array_push($results, array_shift($this->items));


        return new static($results);
<?php     public function tag($value)


        array_push($this->tags, $value);

        return $this;

<?php     public function tag($value)


        array_push($this->tags, $value);

        return $this;

<?php     public function pipe($pipes)


        array_push($this->pipes, ...(is_array($pipes) ? $pipes : func_get_args()));

        return $this;

<?php     protected function storeRawBlock($value)


        return $this->getRawPlaceholder(

            array_push($this->rawBlocks, $value) - 1


<?php                 foreach ($returnedMembers as $member) {

                    $this->assertContains($member, $members);

                    array_push($result, $member);


            } while ($iterator > 0);
<?php     public function log(...$values)


        array_push($this->values, ...$values);

        return $this;

<?php             foreach ($this->haystack as $item) {

                $record = (array) $item;

                $record['_category'] = 'data';

                array_push($output, $record);

<?php                 foreach ($records as $item) {

                    $record = (array) $item;

                    $record['_category'] = $category;

                    array_push($output, $record);



<?php                 unset($record['pruned']);

                array_push($output, $record);


<?php                 }

                if (is_null($this->limit) || ($this->limit && count($categorized_output[$item['category']]) < $this->limit)) {

                    array_push($categorized_output[$item['category']], $item);


<?php                     throw new Exception('');


                array_push($new_data, $item);

            } catch (Exception $e) {

