
Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of an array
<?php array_unshift(array &$array, mixed ...$values): int
<?php             foreach ($this->precompilers as $handler) {

                if (array_search($handler, $precompilers) === false) {

                    array_unshift($precompilers, $handler);

                    invade(app('blade.compiler'))->precompilers = $precompilers;
<?php     public function registerPropertySynthesizer($synth)


        foreach ((array) $synth as $class) {

            array_unshift($this->propertySynthesizers, $class);


<?php     public static function prepend($array, $value, $key = null)


        if (func_num_args() == 2) {

            array_unshift($array, $value);

        } else {

            $array = [$key => $value] + $array;

<?php     {

        $array = $this->get($key, []);

        array_unshift($array, $value);

        $this->set($key, $array);

<?php         if (! isset($callingClass) && empty($parameters)) {

            $command = $this->getCommandName($input = new StringInput($command));

        } else {

            array_unshift($parameters, $command);

            $input = new ArrayInput($parameters);

<?php         with($this->getHandlers(), function ($handlers) use ($signal) {

            $lastHandlerInserted = array_pop($handlers[$signal]);

            array_unshift($handlers[$signal], $lastHandlerInserted);


<?php     protected function callScope(callable $scope, array $parameters = [])


        array_unshift($parameters, $this);

        $query = $this->getQuery();
<?php         }

        if ($this->hasMacro($method)) {

            array_unshift($parameters, $this);

            return $this->localMacros[$method](...$parameters);

<?php         $orders = (array) $query->orders;

        array_unshift($orders, [

            'column' => $query->groupLimit['column'],

            'direction' => 'asc',


        $query->orders = $orders;
<?php     protected function addImpliedCommands(Connection $connection, Grammar $grammar)


        if (count($this->getAddedColumns()) > 0 && ! $this->creating()) {

            array_unshift($this->commands, $this->createCommand('add'));


        if (count($this->getChangedColumns()) > 0 && ! $this->creating()) {
<?php         }

        if (count($this->getChangedColumns()) > 0 && ! $this->creating()) {

            array_unshift($this->commands, $this->createCommand('change'));


        $this->addFluentIndexes($connection, $grammar);
<?php     public function prependMiddleware($middleware)


        if (array_search($middleware, $this->middleware) === false) {

            array_unshift($this->middleware, $middleware);


        return $this;
<?php         }

        if (array_search($middleware, $this->middlewareGroups[$group]) === false) {

            array_unshift($this->middlewareGroups[$group], $middleware);


<?php     public function prependToMiddlewarePriority($middleware)


        if (! in_array($middleware, $this->middlewarePriority)) {

            array_unshift($this->middlewarePriority, $middleware);


<?php             $failedAt = Date::now();

            array_unshift($jobs, [

                'id' => $id,

                'connection' => $connection,

                'queue' => $queue,

                'payload' => $payload,

                'exception' => (string) mb_convert_encoding($exception, 'UTF-8'),

                'failed_at' => $failedAt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),

                'failed_at_timestamp' => $failedAt->getTimestamp(),


            $this->write(array_slice($jobs, 0, $this->limit));