
Supported Versions: PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Calculate the sum of values in an array
<?php array_sum(array $array): int|float
<?php     public function processColumns($results, $sql = '')


        $hasPrimaryKey = array_sum(array_column($results, 'primary')) === 1;

        return array_map(function ($result) use ($hasPrimaryKey, $sql) {

            $result = (object) $result;
<?php         $this->assertDoesNotEnumerateCollection($data, function ($collection) {

            $collection->flatMap(function ($values) {

                return array_sum($values);


<?php         $mapper = function ($part) {

            return array_sum(str_split($part));

<?php     private static function convertAlphaVersionToIntVersion($alpha)


        return strlen($alpha) * (-ord('a') + 1) + array_sum(array_map('ord', str_split($alpha)));

<?php     private function getFullWidth(array $columnWidths): int


        return array_sum($columnWidths) + (count($columnWidths) * $this->columnPadding * 2) + (count($columnWidths) + 1);


    public static function make()
<?php         $borderCharacter = ($hasBorder() ? $theme->getVariables()->get('chart.borders.' . $borderStyle . '.top') : $theme->getVariables()->get(''));

        $total = array_sum(array_column($chartData, 'value'));

        foreach ($chartData as $key => $value) {