
Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Sort an array with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association
<?php uasort(array &$array, callable $callback): true
<?php         $items = $this->items;

        $callback && is_callable($callback)

            ? uasort($items, $callback)

            : asort($items, $callback ?? SORT_REGULAR);

        return new static($items);
<?php     {

        $items = $this->items;

        uasort($items, function ($a, $b) use ($comparisons, $options) {

            foreach ($comparisons as $comparison) {

                $comparison = Arr::wrap($comparison);

                $prop = $comparison[0];

                $ascending = Arr::get($comparison, 1, true) === true ||

                             Arr::get($comparison, 1, true) === 'asc';

                if (! is_string($prop) && is_callable($prop)) {

                    $result = $prop($a, $b);

                } else {

                    $values = [data_get($a, $prop), data_get($b, $prop)];

                    if (! $ascending) {

                        $values = array_reverse($values);


                    if (($options & SORT_FLAG_CASE) === SORT_FLAG_CASE) {

                        if (($options & SORT_NATURAL) === SORT_NATURAL) {

                            $result = strnatcasecmp($values[0], $values[1]);

                        } else {

                            $result = strcasecmp($values[0], $values[1]);


                    } else {

                        $result = match ($options) {

                            SORT_NUMERIC => intval($values[0]) <=> intval($values[1]),

                            SORT_STRING => strcmp($values[0], $values[1]),

                            SORT_NATURAL => strnatcmp($values[0], $values[1]),

                            SORT_LOCALE_STRING => strcoll($values[0], $values[1]),

                            default => $values[0] <=> $values[1],




                if ($result === 0) {



                return $result;



        return new static($items);

<?php         $arr = $this->all();

        uasort($arr, function ($a, $b) use ($sorts) {

            foreach ($sorts as $sort) {

                $bits = explode(':', $sort);

                $sort_by = $bits[0];

                $sort_dir = array_get($bits, 1);

                [$one, $two] = $this->getSortableValues($sort_by, $a, $b);

                $result = Compare::values($one, $two);

                if ($result !== 0) {

                    return ($sort_dir === 'desc') ? $result * -1 : $result;



            return 0;


        return new static($arr);

<?php     private function appendVersions($json, array $versions)


        uasort($versions, 'version_compare');

        $versions = array_keys(array_reverse($versions));

        $json['versions'] = $versions;
<?php             }


        uasort($this->resultPackageMap, $packageSort);

        foreach ($this->resultPackagesByName as $name => $packages) {

            uasort($this->resultPackagesByName[$name], $packageSort);

<?php         uasort($this->resultPackageMap, $packageSort);

        foreach ($this->resultPackagesByName as $name => $packages) {

            uasort($this->resultPackagesByName[$name], $packageSort);


<?php         if (!is_array($header)) {

            $header = explode("\r\n", $header);


        uasort($header, function ($el) {

            return stripos($el, 'content-type') === 0 ? 1 : -1;


        return $header;
