Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string
<?php ltrim(string $string, string $characters = " \n\r\t\v\x00"): string
<?php     {

        $path = dirname($this->path()).'/.meta/'.$this->basename().'.yaml';

        return ltrim($path, '/');


    public function writeMeta($meta)
<?php         return $this


            ->getter(function ($path) {

                return $path ? ltrim($path, '/') : null;



<?php         $directory = $this->folder();

        $directory = ($directory === '.') ? '/' : $directory;

        $path = Path::tidy($directory.'/'.$filename.'.'.$ext);

        $path = ltrim($path, '/');

        if ($this->disk()->exists($path)) {
<?php     private function normalizeVersion(string $version)


        return ltrim($version, 'v');

<?php     protected function getTranslations($path, $namespace)


        return $this->phpFiles($path)->mapWithKeys(function ($name) use ($namespace) {

            $key = ltrim($namespace.'::'.$name, ':');

            $value = $this->loader->load($this->locale, $name, $namespace);

            return [$key => $value];
<?php             $path = str_replace($base, '', $path);


        return ltrim($path, '/');

<?php         $prepend = Str::ensureRight($prepend, '/');

        return Str::ensureLeft(ltrim($url, '/'), $prepend);

<?php         $path = Path::tidy(Str::removeLeft($path, $root));

        return ltrim($path, '/');


    public function isDirectory($path)
<?php         $asset = Asset::make()


            ->path(ltrim($path, '/'));

<?php         $this->authorize('store', [AssetContract::class, $container]);

        $file = $request->file('file');

        $path = ltrim($request->folder.'/'.$file->getClientOriginalName(), '/');

        $asset = $container->makeAsset($path)->upload($file);
<?php             'directory' => 'required|alpha_dash',


        $path = ltrim(Path::assemble($request->path, $request->directory), '/');

        if ($container->disk()->exists($path)) {

            throw ValidationException::withMessages([
<?php         $url = vsprintf('%s/%s', [

            rtrim($this->site()->absoluteUrl(), '/'),

            ltrim($uri, '/'),


        return $url === '/' ? $url : rtrim($url, '/');
<?php         return ! $this->ampable() ? null : vsprintf('%s/%s/%s', [

            rtrim($this->site()->absoluteUrl(), '/'),


            ltrim($this->uri(), '/'),



<?php         $manifest = collect($manifest)->mapWithKeys(function ($path, $key) {

            return [ltrim($key, '/') => ltrim($path, '/')];


        if (! $manifest->has($file = "{$type}/{$file}.{$type}")) {
<?php         if ($this->preg_match_all($this->ignoreRegex, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {

            foreach ($matches as $match) {

                $text = $this->createExtraction('noparse', $match[0], ltrim($match[0], '@'), $text);

