
Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Count the number of substring occurrences
<?php substr_count(    string $haystack,    string $needle,    int $offset = 0,    ?int $length = null): int
<?php         $repo = null;

        $id = $reference;

        if (substr_count($id, '::')) {

            [$repo, $id] = explode('::', $id, 2);

<?php     public function process($data)


        if (substr_count($data, "\n") > 0 || substr_count($data, ': ') > 0) {

            $data = \Statamic\Facades\Yaml::parse($data);

<?php         $folders->sort(function ($a, $b) {

            return (substr_count($a, '/') >= substr_count($b, '/')) ? -1 : 1;

<?php         $dir = str_finish($this->directory, '/');

        $relative = str_after(Path::tidy($file->getPathname()), $dir);

        return $file->getExtension() === 'yaml' && substr_count($relative, '/') === 0;


    public function makeItemFromFile($path, $contents)
<?php         $filename = str_after(Path::tidy($file->getPathName()), $this->directory);

        return substr_count($filename, '/') === 0 && $file->getExtension() === 'yaml';


    public function makeItemFromFile($path, $contents)
<?php         $filename = str_after(Path::tidy($file->getPathName()), $this->directory);

        return substr_count($filename, '/') === 0 && $file->getExtension() === 'yaml';


    public function makeItemFromFile($path, $contents)
<?php         $path = Str::after($path, $this->directory);

        $path = Str::before($path, '.yaml');

        if (substr_count($path, '/') === 0) {

            return [Site::default()->handle(), $path];

<?php     {

        $filename = str_after(Path::tidy($file->getPathName()), $this->directory);

        return $file->getExtension() === 'yaml' && substr_count($filename, '/') === 0;


    public function makeItemFromFile($path, $contents)
<?php                 foreach (Folder::getFilesRecursively($folder) as $path) {

                    $slashes = substr_count($path, '/') - substr_count($folder, '/');

                    if ($slashes <= $depth) {

                        $folder_files[] = $path;
<?php         if ($minWords = $input->getOption('min-words')) {

            $rows = $rows->filter(function ($item) use ($minWords) {

                return substr_count($item['string'], ' ') >= ($minWords - 1);

