Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string
<?php trim(string $string, string $characters = " \n\r\t\v\x00"): string
<?php             return;


        if (! $error = trim($buffer)) {

            return true;

<?php     public function format($url)


        return self::tidy('/'.trim($url, '/'));

<?php         return collect(explode(',', $addresses))->map(function ($address) {

            $name = null;

            $email = trim($address);

            if (Str::contains($email, '<')) {

                preg_match('/^(.*) \<(.*)\>$/', $email, $matches);
<?php             'container' => 'required',

            'folder' => 'required',

            'file' => ['file', function ($attribute, $value, $fail) {

                if (in_array(trim(strtolower($value->getClientOriginalExtension())), ['php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5', 'phtml'])) {



<?php     protected function camelToWords($name)


        $label = strtolower(trim(str_replace([




        ], ' ', preg_replace('/(?<![A-Z])[A-Z]/', ' \0', $name))));

        return $label;

<?php         if ($mimetype = $response->getHeader('Content-Type')) {

            [$mimetype] = explode(';', reset($mimetype), 2);

            return trim($mimetype);

<?php     public function deslugify($value)


        return trim(preg_replace('~[-_]~', ' ', $value), ' ');

<?php     public function wordCount($value)


        $words = empty($string = trim($value)) ? [] : preg_split('~[^\p{L}\p{N}\']+~u', $value);

        return count($words);

<?php     public function passes($attribute, $value)


        return User::query()->where('email', trim($value))->count() === 0;

<?php     private function preformat($raw_query)


        return trim(mb_ereg_replace("[^\w\d\-\.:+\s&’'‘]", '', $raw_query));

<?php         $output = preg_replace('/[\r\n]+$/', '', $output);

        if (! empty(trim($output))) {


<?php         $prefix = '';

        if (class_exists(Nova::class)) {

            $prefix = '(?!'.trim(Nova::path(), '/').')';


        return $prefix.'.*';
<?php         }

        if ($this->params->bool('trim', true)) {

            $this->content = trim($this->content);


        $crumbs = $crumbs->values()->map(function ($crumb) {
<?php     {

        $variables = array_merge($this->context->all(), $this->params->all(), [

            '__frontmatter' => $this->params->all(),

            'slot' => $this->isPair ? trim($this->parse()) : null,


        return view($this->viewName($partial), $variables)
<?php         foreach ($this->files->allFiles($this->paths) as $file) {

            if (preg_match_all('/'.$this->methodRegex().'/imu', $file->getContents(), $matches)) {

                foreach ($matches[2] as $match) {

                    $strings[] = trim(stripcslashes($match));

