Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string
Alias chop
<?php rtrim(string $string, string $characters = " \n\r\t\v\x00"): string
<?php     public function diskPath()


        return rtrim($this->disk()->path('/'), '/');


    public function path()
<?php     public function path()


        return vsprintf('%s/%s.yaml', [

            rtrim(Stache::store('asset-containers')->directory(), '/'),



<?php     public function url()


        $url = rtrim($this->disk()->url('/'), '/');

        return ($url === '') ? '/' : $url;

<?php             return null;


        $siteUrl = rtrim(Site::current()->absoluteUrl(), '/');

        $containerUrl = $container->url();

        if (starts_with($containerUrl, '/')) {
<?php     public function path()


        return vsprintf('%s/%s.yaml', [

            rtrim(Stache::store('users')->directory(), '/'),



<?php     public function path()


        return vsprintf('%s/%s.yaml', [

            rtrim(Stache::store('collections')->directory(), '/'),



<?php         }

        return vsprintf('%s/%s/%s%s%s.%s', [

            rtrim(Stache::store('entries')->directory(), '/'),


            Site::hasMultiple() ? $this->locale().'/' : '',

<?php         $reflector = new ReflectionClass($this->provider);

        $dir = Str::removeRight(dirname($reflector->getFileName()), rtrim($this->autoload, '/'));

        return $this->directory = Str::ensureRight($dir, '/');

<?php         $namespace = implode('\\', $providerParts);

        $autoload = $package['autoload']['psr-4'][$namespace.'\\'];

        $directory = Str::removeRight(dirname($reflector->getFileName()), rtrim($autoload, '/'));

        $json = json_decode(File::get($directory.'/composer.json'), true);

        $statamic = $json['extra']['statamic'] ?? [];
<?php     public function prependSiteUrl($url, $locale = null, $controller = true)


        $prepend = rtrim(Config::getSiteUrl($locale), '/');
<?php     public function setRootDirectory($directory)


        $this->root = rtrim($directory, '/\\');

        return $this;

<?php     public function path()


        return vsprintf('%s/%s.%s', [

            rtrim(Stache::store('globals')->directory(), '/'),



<?php     public function path()


        return vsprintf('%s/%s%s.%s', [

            rtrim(Stache::store('globals')->directory(), '/'),

            Site::hasMultiple() ? $this->locale().'/' : '',


<?php         }

        if (Str::endsWith($url, '/') && Str::length($url) > 1) {

            $url = rtrim($url, '/');


        if ($data = Data::findByUri($url, Site::current()->handle())) {
<?php     public function __construct($base, ClientInterface $client = null, $supportsHead = true)


        $this->base = rtrim($base, '/').'/';

        $this->client = $client ?: new Client();

        $this->supportsHead = $supportsHead;