Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Join array elements with a string
<?php implode(string $separator, array $array): string
<?php }
$exportedPrefix = var_export($namespace, true);
$namespacesFile .= " $exportedPrefix => ";
$namespacesFile .= "array(".implode(', ', $exportedPaths)."),\n";
$namespacesFile .= ");\n";
<?php }
$exportedPrefix = var_export($namespace, true);
$psr4File .= " $exportedPrefix => ";
$psr4File .= "array(".implode(', ', $exportedPaths)."),\n";
$psr4File .= ");\n";
<?php $mainAutoload = $rootPackage->getAutoload();
if ($rootPackage->getTargetDir() && !empty($mainAutoload['psr-0'])) {
$levels = substr_count($filesystem->normalizePath($rootPackage->getTargetDir()), '/') + 1;
$prefixes = implode(', ', array_map(function ($prefix) {
return var_export($prefix, true);
}, array_keys($mainAutoload['psr-0'])));
$baseDirFromTargetDirCode = $filesystem->findShortestPathCode($targetDir, $basePath, true);
$targetDirLoader = <<<EOF
<?php $this->io->writeError(
'<warning>Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "'.$className.'"'.
' was found '. (count($ambiguousPaths) + 1) .'x: in "'.$cleanPath.'" and "'. implode('", "', $ambiguousPaths) .'", the first will be used.</warning>'
<?php }
$excluded = $excluded ? '{(' . implode('|', $excluded) . ')}' : null;
return ClassMapGenerator::createMap($dir, $excluded, $showAmbiguousWarning ? $this->io : null, $namespaceFilter, $autoloadType, $scannedFiles);
<?php $chunks = explode('.', $version);
$chunks = array_slice($chunks, 0, 3);
return implode('.', $chunks);
$requiredPhp = '';
<?php PHP_CHECK;
$requiredExtensions = implode('', $requiredExtensions);
if ('' !== $requiredExtensions) {
$requiredExtensions = <<<EXT_CHECKS
<?php );
self::$restPattern = '{[^?"\'</'.implode('', array_keys(self::$typeConfig)).']+}A';
<?php $repo = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($localRepo), $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories()));
} else {
$defaultRepos = RepositoryFactory::defaultRepos($this->getIO());
$io->writeError('No composer.json found in the current directory, searching packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos)));
$repo = new CompositeRepository($defaultRepos);
<?php if (count($packages) > 1) {
$package = reset($packages);
$io->writeError('<info>Found multiple matches, selected '.$package->getPrettyString().'.</info>');
$io->writeError('Alternatives were '.implode(', ', array_map(function ($p) {
return $p->getPrettyString();
}, $packages)).'.');
$io->writeError('<comment>Please use a more specific constraint to pick a different package.</comment>');
} elseif ($packages) {
$package = reset($packages);
<?php return 0;
$this->configSource->addProperty($settingKey, implode(' ', $values));
return 0;
<?php return is_array($val) ? json_encode($val) : $val;
}, $value);
$value = '['.implode(', ', $value).']';
if (is_bool($value)) {
<?php if (null === $stability) {
if (null === $packageVersion) {
$stability = 'stable';
} elseif (Preg::isMatch('{^[^,\s]*?@('.implode('|', array_keys(BasePackage::$stabilities)).')$}i', $packageVersion, $match)) {
$stability = $match[1];
} else {
$stability = VersionParser::parseStability($packageVersion);
<?php $stability = VersionParser::normalizeStability($stability);
if (!isset(BasePackage::$stabilities[$stability])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid stability provided ('.$stability.'), must be one of: '.implode(', ', array_keys(BasePackage::$stabilities)));
$composer = Factory::create($io, $config->all(), $disablePlugins);
<?php $io->write('');
$io->write(sprintf("<comment>%s</comment>", $vendor));
foreach ($links as $url => $packages) {
$line = sprintf(' <info>%s</info>', implode(', ', $packages));
if ($prev !== $line) {