Supported Versions: PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string
<?php ltrim(string $string, string $characters = " \n\r\t\v\x00"): string
<?php                     $absoluteAppBaseDirPharCode => $appBaseDirPharCode,



            $value = ltrim(Preg::replace('/^ */m', '    $0$0', $value));

            $file .= sprintf("    public static $%s = %s;\n\n", $prop, $value);

            if ('files' !== $prop) {
<?php                         if ($package === $rootPackage) {

                            $targetDir = str_replace('\\<dirsep\\>', '[\\\\/]', preg_quote(str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '<dirsep>', $package->getTargetDir())));

                            $path = ltrim(Preg::replace('{^'.$targetDir.'}', '', ltrim($path, '\\/')), '\\/');

                        } else {

                            $path = $package->getTargetDir() . '/' . $path;
<?php                     $name = rtrim($name, ':');


                $classes[] = ltrim($namespace . $name, '\\');


<?php             foreach ($errors as $path => $changes) {

                if ($input->getOption('verbose')) {

                    $indentedChanges = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) {

                        return '    ' . ltrim($line);

                    }, explode("\n", $changes)));


<?php             foreach ($unpushedChanges as $path => $changes) {

                if ($input->getOption('verbose')) {

                    $indentedChanges = implode("\n", array_map(function ($line) {

                        return '    ' . ltrim($line);

                    }, explode("\n", $changes)));


<?php         if ($rule !== '' && $rule[0] === '!') {

            $negate = true;

            $rule = ltrim($rule, '!');


        $firstSlashPosition = strpos($rule, '/');
<?php                 $config['bin'] = array($config['bin']);


            foreach ($config['bin'] as $key => $bin) {

                $config['bin'][$key] = ltrim($bin, '/');



<?php             return null;


        return ltrim(Preg::replace('{ (?:^|[\\\\/]+) \.\.? (?:[\\\\/]+|$) (?:\.\.? (?:[\\\\/]+|$) )*}x', '/', $this->targetDir), '/');

<?php     public function hasConstant($constant, $class = null)


        return defined(ltrim($class.'::'.$constant, ':'));

<?php     public function getConstant($constant, $class = null)


        return constant(ltrim($class.'::'.$constant, ':'));

<?php         }

        $isFips = strpos($matches['suffix'], 'fips') !== false;

        $suffix = strtr('-'.ltrim($matches['suffix'], '-'), array('-fips' => '', '-pre' => '-alpha'));

        $patch = self::convertAlphaVersionToIntVersion($matches['patch']);

        return rtrim($matches['version'].'.'.$patch.$suffix, '-');
<?php     {

        return (object) array(

            'host' => $host,

            'name' => '.' . ltrim($host, '.'),

            'port' => $port,

            'ipdata' => $ipdata,

<?php             $subjectAltNames = Preg::split('{\s*,\s*}', $info['extensions']['subjectAltName']);

            $subjectAltNames = array_filter(array_map(function ($name) {

                if (0 === strpos($name, 'DNS:')) {

                    return strtolower(ltrim(substr($name, 4)));


                return null;
<?php         $repositoryUrl = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(realpath(realpath(__DIR__)), 'Fixtures', 'path', 'with-version'));

        $relativeUrl = ltrim(substr($repositoryUrl, strlen(realpath(realpath(getcwd())))), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

        $repository = new PathRepository(array('url' => $relativeUrl), $ioInterface, $config);

        $packages = $repository->getPackages();